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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. Sinclair: Thank you very muchie...variant? hmmm...
    Chah: Borong untuk member je, sendiri punya, sikit-sikit saja la, hahaha.
    danielh: hihihi, nasib je Razz ada lebih tu, interested? Twisted Evil
    smadli: ok haul je le, itu pun member kasi tips, kalau tidak, kempunan jugak. eh, jangan lupa dapatkan '67 Camaro oren tu ya.
    CKH: No prob, tis Sun, meet me at Amcorp Twisted Evil

  2. undercoverbrother wrote:
    Alaaa.. hari ini termakan racun hotwheels 'Battle Force', manalah nak cekau duit ni..

    Get the cheapest one first...Happy Meal from McD with free Battle Force vehicle and driver too, hehehe.

  3. mushr00m wrote:
    musclemania wrote:
    Hi, Danny,
    Pls get full set of '69 Mustang First Edition from mushroom Twisted Evil

    oi oi oi... I collect la 69 Mustang... how to sell full set.. ehehehe.. demm.. Smile

    Share la dekat Danny nie...Danny terkena racun tahap yang membimbangkan, kena merawatnya dengan FE '69 Mustang Razz

  4. Thanks, guys.

    Forget about the green, let's get the basic Razz
    My favourite Camaro! Finally, I can loose my own green Pro Stock Camaro, thanks Sinclair for lending me pic for my avatar.

    Red Mustangs, yummie.

    Let's back to the future.

    Yummie Reventon Roadster!!!
    Remark: With error too...no back white lights and no "Lamborghini" at the back.

    Haul for member:
    a) Remark: Darker blue for a Skyline compared against another 2 units.
    b) Error again
    Remark: White "moustache" at left for Nissan 370Z, hehehe.
    Remark: Yellow dot & line for Italia, above the silver signature.
    Remark: Open rear right for Callaway.

    Another Disney Cars - Chase McQueen


  5. Change company then Razz
    Make sure that bonus is compulsory in the contract, hahaha.

    Nowadays, concept of working hard has been changed to working smart.
    Top management only focuses on RESULT. You worked hard but cannot PERFORM AND PRESENT, bye bye.
    How hard you worked even burning the midnight oil, basically they won't care...too bad...

  6. Hi, Chah,
    It depends...for my current company, yearly bonus is stated in the contract.
    My previous company, bonus was not stated in the contract, so, company can choose not to give staffs the bonus even company made $ because this is a "bonus", not a compulsory.
    Like $uper TH, it is just a bonus to us if we scored it, we cannot guarantee every carton has a $uper even how hard we hunt it, right?
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