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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. Fadli bro,
    1st case - print at oth place with cheaper price. Or, print less (discard unnecessary content or use smaller font). Another option, if possible, softcopy lo, paper-less, hahaha, if your lecturer agrees la, hahaha.
    2nd case - change mechanic, more trustworthy one. Direct confront this mechanic reason of travelling far.
    3rd case - list out your full requirement before requesting help.


  2. RGSUKAN wrote:
    pydrumerboy wrote:
    RGSUKAN wrote:
    hahaha..tererla you py..your hand memang lekat $uperlaa..congrats...i like..put all of it as group picsla PY, put at TH thread...who dont have sure drool one..or envy...hehehe..put there red bar lagi..wtf.. Razz

    You are trying to jahanam me ah....lolz...tunjuk satu dah dapat red bar, tunjuk semua nanti, kena ban plak cam mane....Razz

    lol! ..who dare to do that..you tell me?...pedangpun sudah bengkok..hahaha..i wish i can score $uper mustang like you scored $GTX py...if that happen, i lari n***d one...hahahhaa

    biar betul tu, RG.
    nanti score 7 $uper Mustang tu, lari n***d keliling McD ke, Dean ke, tak larat kita tengok, kakaka
    tapi, untuk melepaskan anda daripada janji "dahsyat" tu, anda bolehlah berhenti haul sekiranya telah dapat TH$ Mustang ke-6, yang ke-7, ke-8 dan seterusnya, bolehlah just bagi saya je la, kakaka

  3. Thanks, guys.

    JonImai: Once in a blue moon for heavy haul, hahaha.
    CKH: Sudah terkena racun, apa boleh buat? hahaha. Initially, chatted with DanielH that I shall at least get 1 DB in my life when we talked about Garage series (which I prefferred the white top) but then, thinking of it...well...why shouldn't I get "at least" 1 Convoy Custom indeed? hahaha
    The '09 TH Plymouth Fury is to recall my sweet memory of scoring my 1st T-Hunt at Giant. But, that time, I traded them out, so now wanna get back 1 unit for memory recall, hahaha.

  4. oh...Joe, thanks.
    errr...not "much" $ spent actually. I did not buy at the market price (marked up) if you're referring to Convoy Custom and Hiway Hauler as well as other Slick Rides.
    Thanks to members to get me all those models at reasonable price...affordable, put it this way.
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