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Posts posted by musclemania

  1. undercoverbrother wrote:
    I don't wish to pollute this thread, but because lotsa members are in the dark about this i'll address it here. Regarding the latest custom section rules i need to let everyone know this is not the end of it. Truth is the team are working things out behind the scene, we're lending our hands to resolve matters between those parties involved, so just take what has been announced as preventive measures for now, while we're at it you guys please don't prolong the matter cause by the end of day, you guys should be happy with the outcome.

    If you guys still don't get it, put it this way. There's no point arguing whether custom thread replies should be restored if the real issue itself is not handed well, and it's open secret to members what i'm referring to. You'll be seeing the same thing over and over again am i right? We have our ways to get things back in order, you guys just have to be patient. sunny

    Now let's get back to usual rant of the day..

    Thumb up!

  2. undercoverbrother wrote:
    sahama wrote:
    your tali gitar putus ke?

    There's a reason sometimes i have to write in essay..

    (Musclemanis that long also still considered essay meh?) Razz

    a short essay, hahaha
    but, i'm seeing an improvement, at least not half of the page, hahaha.
    now, UCB's comment is more tepat dan padat, good...tapi masih mengelirukan Razz

  3. undercoverbrother wrote:
    As for me it's no secret to anyone UcB is extremely particular with condition loose or carded hehe, but that's more personal thing and most of the time it's never an issue cause i'll only compare cars whenever seller currently have multiples of it for sale, otherwise i'll still buy one and be happy with it, won't confront the seller eh it's bad paintjob cannot roll lah, please give cheaper etc. When it's impossible to find best is not to miss it when you have the chance, not that we can buy the thing everyday.

    But what i always do is request whoever i buy from to let me know if they manage to get more cause i don't mind purchasing more if another batch is better. Although clearly it means i plan to replace the one i already have that don't really mean i regret what i previously bought, hope they don't intepret that way.

    Still "long speech" as usual fr UCB Razz , but, totally agreed cheers

    For me, answer is yes and no, depends on individual stand point.
    Yes > From customer's point of view, "Customer always right" concept. Customer has the right to ask and demand. Else, seller just put condition, "don't ask, just buy" (like HK-"Chee Chong" street flea market style) Razz
    No > From supplier's point of view, as per what Atom, mushroom, etc. mentioned.

    But, finally, more important, in this HWCM family, there should be mutual understanding among members. It is not as "serious" as real business between customer and supplier where every single cent does count irregardless of how low or how high the price is.

  4. Thanks, daniel & Sahama.

    Basically, this was lucky haul coz I believe another player was earlier than me and good thing is, he/she left over all those nice cars behind.
    p.s.: 2nd unit of green Reventon I found in a basket (belongs to nobody, I think Razz coz it was there for quite sometime) under the bar code scanner, hahaha.

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