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Everything posted by limsy

  1. Boleh bro...skrang boleh pi korek korek...but kena bawa lampu suluh lar...
  2. limsy

    2011 Q case

    Great haul Bro! I like the black panther van!! No Ken Block??
  3. Looks like my next holiday trip will be in Medan ady!! Super hauling 2 days back-to-back!!
  4. Tks bro for the info Rev rdster hard to find lar...
  5. Huge score Bro! Registrachan sure likes those R32...maybe u can PM him I like the Evo!!
  6. Poisonous viper you have!! I saw another SM Viper varient today...can't remember the color. You interested??
  7. limsy

    EPL 2011/2012

    GLORY2 MAN UTD Indeed! But but overall MU style of play abit let down lar Sloopy and disjointed. Midfield is too loose. We are lucky to won it. Norwich has got at least 3 1-to1 with keeper but can't score Lucky Devil 2nite
  8. 10q Sifu Loaded92. Which other variant? As far as i know there is Yellow, Green and now Orleng. Is there any other color i missed out? Tks for sharing
  9. 10q Sifu JHC7598. Between the orange rev and your teeth....i choose your gigi anytime
  10. 10a Sifu CKH. Cant wait for the next wave of Lambo! Their color variation is simply irresistable.
  11. 10q Sifu Sahama. Hope it glows in the dark too
  12. 10q Sifu Protonticon. Aventador is elite man! Dont pray pray. Orange on any Lambo is simply awesome!!
  13. 10q Sifu Sinclair... You guys are fast in replying man! Scary!!
  14. 10q Sifu Py... My next mission is to shoot a 1:1 orange bull!!
  15. Would like to share with everyone here on this macho beast! 1st time see an Orange Bull!! Sweetttttttt... Thanks for looking
  16. Artttttt....your sale is power! Sorry i left abit early...next time we sembang more
  17. Count me in Bros Would like to meet more fellow collectors.
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