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Completed easy 99 project

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Hey My wonderful frienddss...
I thought because the hotel plushies were only 10n coins i would do a 99 project! x
Just to tell you this is my other account that i store some of my things that clog up my house from... ^_^

Here is a picture:

Thanks guys! x
Love you!

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congratulations MeganBoutique98

as this is a PS topic im moving it to the Pet society trading and chat section

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Falcor wrote:
congratulations MeganBoutique98

as this is a PS topic im moving it to the Pet society trading and chat section

Thanks so much Falcor! I think everybody just about knows that i'm no good at the whole topic thing hehee...x x

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kasijab wrote:
So have I ....easiest 99 collection ever

Eehehe... maybe we could have a 99 project for how many hotel city plushie projects we do ahhaa...x

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MeganBoutique98 wrote:
Paige<3 wrote:
yay congrats Smile

Hehehee thank you! x

hehe yw xxx

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Lol...Iv done exactally the same. I was gonna make it a 99 collections and i saw they where only 10 coins and i was like...WHAT!

I couldnt actually believe my eyes.
10 coins.....for a cute teddy bear....what a bargin.

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