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I know its silly to moan at this but....

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Im growing my nails and the nail polish i cant find is important lol its Calcium enriched so it helps your nails become strong and grow and ive been looking everywhere for it

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And i bet dan has asked you where you last had it
It's so annoying when that happens and its usually in the last place i look lol x

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i only bought it a few days ago it cost my £5!!!! i only polish my nails in the living room and i have looked EVERYWHERE!! Sad
Dan just shrugs his shoulders and says "I dunno" lol

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Gaiamaiden wrote:
i only bought it a few days ago it cost my £5!!!! i only polish my nails in the living room and i have looked EVERYWHERE!! Sad
Dan just shrugs his shoulders and says "I dunno" lol

Have you checked under the sofa Laughing My other half is abit like that only most of the time he's moved what im looking for Tells me he hasnt thou

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under the sofa was the first place i looked because if anything falls to the floor the cat rolls it under chairs and the sofa Sad
ive looked absolutely everywhere, i bet you any money in a few days he will say to me "look what i found!" lol

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I get so frustrated when I loose something, doesnt matter what it is...it will bug hte hell out of me until I find it again!

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thats how i feel now Sad i need to do my nails!!!
im not much of a girly person but ive never had nice real nails and this stuff works, thats why im trying like hell to find it lol

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ive been looking all this morning and when i came in from work tonight lol i even asked Dan to look (whether he did or not is another thing)
thanks hun, i wish my mum was here she can find anything lol

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Gaiamaiden wrote:
ive been looking all this morning and when i came in from work tonight lol i even asked Dan to look (whether he did or not is another thing)
thanks hun, i wish my mum was here she can find anything lol

i bet you end up buying some more then finding it Laughing Have you asked dan if he looked Men sometimes can be useless but dont say i said that lol congratulations
You'll have to get your mum over tomorrow to join in the hunt

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lol well im going to my mums tomorrow, i will have to buy some more before Sunday because im going out Sad
Dan is at work now so i wont be able to ask him until tomorrow morning Sad

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Tell you what my trick is...And serious....it helps...

Look for something totally silly...Something that dont exist....Like a left handed screwdriver(normally what i go for) then you will come across it....Serious!! try it!

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xPink.Pixel.Princessx wrote:
Tell you what my trick is...And serious....it helps...

Look for something totally silly...Something that dont exist....Like a left handed screwdriver(normally what i go for) then you will come across it....Serious!! try it!

i should try this one out, to find my cellphone.... Ashamed

i should do my nails too...
oh well, in the morning...

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still havent found it
i think im going to have to send out a search party!!! lol

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you know,you can always join in my comp to make you more happier lmao Laughing

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I need to put a tracking device on my TV remote.

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Tromo3 wrote:
I need to put a tracking device on my TV remote.

Snap...Im sure the house elf's keep running off with my stuff..

Anyone ever seen the borrowers....i think i may have some Laughing

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i wouldnt mind if it was something else but my NAIL POLISH!!!! ANYTHING BUT THAT LMAO x

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Okay i offical gave up! lol
i went to the shops to pay the bills this morning and i paid ANOTHER £5 for more nail polish and its going to stay on my bed side table from now on lol

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