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I am going to have such a fun summer...not!!

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I was just on the phone to Kasi when Phoebe started screaming..not just a cry but a full blown scream..so I put the phone down on Kasi, and ran upstairs expecting to find her leg had fallen off or something (well that is how much noise she was making!) only to find her at the top of the stairs screaming because there was a fly!! yep a fly! she is petrified of flies...its going to be a long summer with her screaming everytime she sees a fly

Oh the joys of kids Laughing

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0_0 ! aww bless her lol i could just imagine you running up the stairs like a mad woman only to find her pointing at a fly lol xx

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Going to be fun here then cos my conservatory gets loads when it hot...think i'll buy a little fly swatter and make it her job to get them ...it may help ! Ashamed

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oh no!She would never be able to come to Georgia lol They thrive on the humidity here.Kasi has a great idea,give her a fly swatter!!!
My youngest child drives me batty trying to kill flies,especially when he swats me.
I love to see my fluffiest cat chase one though.

kids will scare us to death over the silliest things congratulations

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haha i'm the same as your daughter
saw today in school fly and screamed so loudly Laughing

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Well, consider this, I am an adult and I would scream like a nutcase if I saw a wasp. I hate those things, they scare the beejeebers out of me.

I hope that Phoebe learns to deal with flies soon, for your nerve's sake.

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haha i'm afraid of bees so much!!
i always ran away if i see somewhere bee

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Great minds must think alike lol

When you were posting this I bought a fly swatter for Phoebe...time will tell if she will use it though lol

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Lisa my son has recently become afraid of all bugs, but I don't blame him I've got the biggest fear of spiders and bees (although I don't show it around them) If any spider gets near my kids it's gone though thats the only time I fight my fear and get them.

We get a lot of flies around here in the summer as well, well all year really lol I just taught my son to say the saying "shoo fly don't bother me". I'm not sure if you've ever heard anyone sing that but it works like a charm and sounds so cute when they say it.

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ahhhh, poor phoebe. i hope she likes using the fly swatter so she can get over her fear of flies or else you may need to use some ear plugs. hee hee.

when i visited taiwan once they had a fly swatter that had a small electric current running through it. maybe you guys have that there. it's safe to touch for humans, but for little bugs, you get the swatter near them and ZAP...toast!! they get electrocuted!!! no splatter bug mess to clean up.

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I used to watch flies through a microscope when I was a child. They look really scary, but I was bigger than them and I caught them easily, so I wasn't afraid of them. I specially liked to see their wings magnified congratulations

What I wanted to say (lol, I had forgotten it) is that maybe you should try to show her that they can't do anything to her, she is bigger and smarter (and she could learn a lot with a microscope, btw) Laughing

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electric fly swatter?? wonder if they have one of those that work on men as well

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lea75 wrote:
electric fly swatter?? wonder if they have one of those that work on men as well

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I have seen electric fly swaters in the shape of a mini tennis racket. My dad had one...and it was classic...
poor lil Phoede afraid of those nasty gross flying bugs...tell her i don't and i bet most people don't like them...at least they cant sting you...now those ones I bolt away from....argh....bee's...just thinking of them gets me nauseous.
glad her leg is still attached Smile

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haha...aww bless her.

Well this afternoon yesterday at my mums...She decided to play a trick on me and shout 'WASP'!!.....I totally flew out of my seat and ended up in the bathroom shaking in the corner....

It was quite mean but it was dead funny to be stuck in the bathroom for 5 minutes while she convinced me that there was no wasp....

I seriously hate them so much....So next time it thunders im gonna push her outside and LOCK all the doors....nah im only joking....Im not that mean haha

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well Phoebe has been having a great time with her fly swatter, she took it outside "just to practice" Laughing

just have to be careful I dont stand in her way when she has it Laughing

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I have to share this with all of you. It cracked me up, and since we're talking about fly swatters.
Laughing The real funny bit starts about two minutes into the video.

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xPink.Pixel.Princessx wrote:
haha...aww bless her.

Well this afternoon yesterday at my mums...She decided to play a trick on me and shout 'WASP'!!.....I totally flew out of my seat and ended up in the bathroom shaking in the corner....

It was quite mean but it was dead funny to be stuck in the bathroom for 5 minutes while she convinced me that there was no wasp....

I seriously hate them so much....So next time it thunders im gonna push her outside and LOCK all the doors....nah im only joking....Im not that mean haha

I know someone just like that. Other day she walked in my house and said i hope no-one saw me do that so i asked her what she meant and she said she'd got out of the car locked the doors set off walking to the gate saw a wasp fly and land on it so turned ran back to the car and stayed there watching it til it left before coming in lol congratulations

lea75 wrote:
well Phoebe has been having a great time with her fly swatter, she took it outside "just to practice" Laughing

just have to be careful I dont stand in her way when she has it Laughing

Yes ide stay away too, those fly squatters really hurt. ask my other half kenny

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