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How did your pet get their name?

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I was wondering.

How did your pets get their name.

Princess-Mia got her name from.......The meaning of my name.....

Sarah means Princess.....and i just liked the name Mia and it sounded great together....

And the - came from how my name is.......Princess-Mia.....Sarah-Louise HAHA
Hope you understood that...

So comeon...Share your names with everyone =)

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I've just picked a suitable name Rocky Laughing

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I wanted a cool pet and thought of the coolest guy I could think of. Nicky Hayden - Nicky congratulations.

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Renny has been my nickname since 2004 which also became a character of mines who's a cat. Laughing but my renny on PS is diff from my chara.

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I just like the name Yuki. Yuki used to be blue, but I changed her color to white mostly because it doesn't clash with any color clothes and because 'yuki' means snow in Japanese. Smile

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My pet's name is C.J.
Thoes are the innitials of my daughter's 1st and middle name.
But my pet's name means "Candy Joy".
I choose that because I love candy bars and because my daughter is the joy of my life.

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i changed my name alot before but now i kept it the same. SmileyFace had her name because i had an interest in smileys and i love drawing them!

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I really liked one of My Chemical Romance's songs--the one entitled Helena and poof. I named Helena after that song. XD

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My sweet pet is named Slagathore, Slaggy for short. I got the wonderful name from some movie I don't remember the name of. It was also mentions in Scubs right after the movie. (It was a replacement for the girl named Debbie's name.)

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Melodia_du_Xaviere wrote:
I don't know.. I just love the word melody, since I was little, I already planned that If I have a daughter, I'll name her melody..

that is such a cute name. it's like "my melody" from sanrio congratulations

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smorkle wrote:
Melodia_du_Xaviere wrote:
I don't know.. I just love the word melody, since I was little, I already planned that If I have a daughter, I'll name her melody..

that is such a cute name. it's like "my melody" from sanrio congratulations

thank u.. Laughing
smorkle is a cute name to!! I love it..

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