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Have you realised?

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Have you realised what todays date is?


Just thought I'd share lol x

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yep ..and a short while ago (here in UK) it was 10 minutes past 10 on the 10/10/10 ...wonder how many babies were born then!

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So soon!! Laughing Imagine. Las year it was:
And in three years it will be:

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kasijab wrote:
yep ..and a short while ago (here in UK) it was 10 minutes past 10 on the 10/10/10 ...wonder how many babies were born then!


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Tromo3 wrote:

And in three years it will be:

LOL You have a strange sense of humor Laughing

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haha i actually didnt realise that but iv very supersticious about dates lie that so im glad i didnt know.

Once i know about dates like that and it comes to the day....Im all over the place......Really scared and shake all day =(.
Im so glad that the day has come and gone. Just gotta wait for 11.11.11 now =/......Ugh all the 1's.

I was really bad on 6.6.6 as you could imagine haha.

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I didn't realise til my boyfriend mentioned it yesterday when he saw a group on facebook saying to join if you were born on 01/01/01, 02/02/02, 03/03/03........ ok you get the picture LaughingLaughing up until yesterday with 10/10/10.
I hadn't even realised til he'd told me Laughing

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