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An explanation of super stick!

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Those of you who have been in the chat quizzes with me would of heard me mention the stick...especially while threatening Smorkle lol

Well I thought I'd better explain what the super stick is.

Ages, and ages ago, we were having a discussion in the moads board about a member, and I told the mods not to worry about it and if need be I would become super strict lea and deal with it. But as usual the typos took over and I ended up saying I would become super stick!

Since then I have often threatened to get the super stick out when people mis-behave (especially Smorkle for some reason ) and even have it under my profile picture (wonder how many of you noticed that lol)

Anywhooo...this is how the super stick came about, so if you are chatting to me and I threaten to get the stick out...at least now you know why lol

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HOw many months ago you mean by ages and ages ago? Laughing

ANd what about the story of this Super Super stick . :stick2:

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now the super, super stick only gets bought out when people try and steal the super stick

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lea75 wrote:
now the super, super stick only gets bought out when people try and steal the super stick

Like me :stick2:

Super stick comes to the rescue!! Laughing And this is my Stick:

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Omg Tromo. your stick looks like a super stump.. or a stick bomb.. LMAO!

this dog sure got a super stick.

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Tromo3 wrote:
lea75 wrote:
now the super, super stick only gets bought out when people try and steal the super stick

Like me :stick2:

Super stick comes to the rescue!! Laughing And this is my Stick:

tromo...i think that is a the ultimate stick.... log, even

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Vumping this thread. For new members who heard lea saying the Super stick.(And to see my super super stick, which is a log )

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ANd I forgot to mention that the super super stick is removed. I think cause the is stolen. I wished I know each sentence from that chat quiz. I only remember smorkleland,

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