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Rating And Reputation

Recommended Posts

I've come up with a simple rating and reputation system for u guys.

every post receives +1 rating
every subject started receives +3 rating

every '+' vote receives +1 reputation
every '-' vote receives -1 reputation


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The daggers are based on the number of posts, rating or reputation?

Could you list the rankings pls and the number of posts/rating/reputation to achieve it? for everybody's info.

1 dagger - Apprentice
2 daggers -
3 daggers - General
4 daggers -
5 daggers -

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Also, while we can sort members by number of posts, there is no option to sort by rating or reputation. Can this be added?

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enyo - if you like what someone has posted then u may vote '+' for that particular post. so that person gains a reputation point!
if u severely do not like what he has posted, u may vote '-'. this will decrease his reputation.

sinclair. daggers are based on number of post. it only applies to regular members and not committee and moderators.

sinclair, the rankings is for them to find out. so keep spamming guys!

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Although it's a fun system, I've seen it being abused on other forums, to the point that the admins had to remove it.

Just remember, it's all for fun!!!

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i was thinking the same thing like netmatrix... whats the point of this...?
and whats up with the daggers? if this is a game forum...its fine... if this is a barbarian forum... its more then fine... or forum about conan the barbarian... Razz

and like sis marieJuliette said... it is proven it can be abused/misused... so i think its best to just take it out... just go by post... if people dont like a post they just ignore it anyway...

just because there is this function in the forum admin panels... does not mean we have to use it...

and read the small text on the top of page...

"HWCMalaysia.com Message Boards
Join other HWCMalaysia.com members here. Discuss, share knowlege, experience and trade with other Hot Wheels enthusiast!"

and sharing is caring... if dont like... just dont care la (ignore it).... Razz (just like my post here... hehehehe)

thats my 2 cent...
lol!Very HappySmileSurprisedShockedCoolLaughingcheersbomdrunkenSleepsunnyalbinocherryWhat a FaceI love youclownpirattonguealiencatrabbitsantarendeerfaraokingqueenjocolorgeekscratchflowerafrolol!

and by the way this forum ROCKS!!!

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admin has taken everyone input on this matter and come up with the following :

points system is only for fun, therefor there will be no such thing as '-1' points. meaning, even if u vote negative, the user wil not receive a negative point. it's all for fun.

about the daggers, i will have to come up with new ones. because the server only gave me a few options to choose from. will try my best.

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mcm ni la mr admin... working very efficiently...


if u want i can create a small wheel icon to put there... Smile

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Demonicle ... what abt cars ... or our Club logo ...

just a feedback

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here u go mr admin...

i small wheels for the ranking...
wheel take from HWCM logo...

first option
color wheels

gray color wheels

so... i think it will look something like this...

- Newbies, Beginner

- Apprentice, Recruit

- Captain

- General

- (not sure)

- Admin, Committee, Moderators...



second option

Embarassed - Newbies, Beginner

Shocked - Apprentice, Recruit

geek - Captain

lol! - General

Suspect - (not sure)

Twisted Evil - Admin, Committee, Moderators...

second option is just a joke... jangan marah...ehehhehehehe

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eight! brilliant!
but can u make 2 more different designs for the wheels?

one with 5 coloured wheels with white flames
another with 5 cloured wheels with red/blue or yellow flames.

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sorry mr admin, i dont understand... explain to me slowly...heeheh
explain to me tomorow at ss15

FYI... white flames will not look nice because this forum background is also very light colour...

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i really like the wheels design by bro eight...
hope it can be implemented later...

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Thanks eight! Those wheels are nice, just need to add the flames.

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mr admin... this is what i can come-up with...

ok mr sinclair 2 hot flames coming right up...

- king spammers

- admin, etc

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demonicle wrote:
hows that?

now much better boss... Smile

MarieJuliette wrote:
Pretty cool stuff!!
Wheels are way better!
Great work, eight!

thank u madam... Embarassed

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i like the design man .... congrat or roda panas

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wow new design...way hotter than the dagger thingy...
great design bro eight....
and well done Mr Demon...

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Thank you thank you very much, eight! Those are great designs and the wheels are so hot! sunny

Way better than before.

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