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Addrick's Haul (14-05-2009)

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Arrived today!

more pictures at my blog. somebody will be happy about this. Smile

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wohooooooooooooo~ Twisted EvilTwisted Evil

eh wait! i saw HGUC Qubeley at the back!! cyclopscyclops

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Wow, nice haul!

Can you tell me what is the difference in the Super Street Civic wheels? South Texas shows 2 versions but I dunno what is different.

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wah berkotak kotak bagai...i wonder what is inside..?

ok dah tengok dah, super street haa....nice dude..

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up to this date, i have bought 3 super street civic. but those 3 are the same. i can't tell the different as i am also having the same problem as you are.

in hotwheelscollectors.com, it stated that it has variation of color also. you may check it out at my blog, click on civic 1:64. thank you.

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RGSUKAN, kalau x pakai kotak, aku rase x sampai kat Malaysia kot.

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addrick wrote:
RGSUKAN, kalau x pakai kotak, aku rase x sampai kat Malaysia kot.

hehehe..bukan ape,aku ngeri tengok pakai kotak kotak nih..mahal, berharga..aku tak mampu lagi,heheh

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RGSUKAN, dulu aku pon ngeri, skang ngidam. xde mahal sgt kalau dibandingkan btul2.
KT, huehuehuheuhuee.. tlg kwn aje ni..

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addrick wrote:
KT, huehuehuheuhuee.. tlg kwn aje ni..

What a FaceWhat a FaceWhat a FaceWhat a Face

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addrick wrote:
RGSUKAN, dulu aku pon ngeri, skang ngidam. xde mahal sgt kalau dibandingkan btul2.
KT, huehuehuheuhuee.. tlg kwn aje ni..

itula pasal,aku ngeripun,tapi mcm dh nk bjinak jinak plak..takut makcik plak muncung bole wat ampai..hehe

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kurz: why why why? u don't like it? Razz
RGSUKAN, alang2 menyeluk pekasam..
jhc7598, i wish it was mine.
MarieJuliette, thanks for visiting my blog. Smile

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addrick wrote:
kurz: why why why? u don't like it? Razz

muahahaha flowerflower

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addrick wrote:
up to this date, i have bought 3 super street civic. but those 3 are the same. i can't tell the different as i am also having the same problem as you are.

in hotwheelscollectors.com, it stated that it has variation of color also. you may check it out at my blog, click on civic 1:64. thank you.

Thanks dude, your full database on the Civics is really useful. sunny

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sweet........................................ 4 me ka? hadiah perkenalan

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YU5H wrote:
sweet........................................ 4 me ka? hadiah perkenalan

ahem *cough* Rolling EyesRazz

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owh.............. ade org batuk la....

minum laa ubat cap kelapa laut

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^ dah biase with cap ibu&anak la Razz

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