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Py haul while waiting for new wave :)

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Found another 575 GTC again....that makes altogether 2 I have found now in my hunting grounds....The picture above is the total number of hauls for the past 2-3 days....Still Qombee wave everywhere. Not touching any of them....reached my limit of qombees. Smile

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cantek lah 575gtc..better than this year's Smile

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ai bro py, kata no mood for ferrari racers, RazzRazzRazz
btw, nice hauls u got there..

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@marie - thank you
@kurz - yeah I think so too
@jh - no mood towards the new ferrari wave, but cannot resist this color EmbarassedRolling Eyes

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wow... me join kuku also.. both also im missing... when wanna put inside sales thread?

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still unable to find that 575gtc since its from 2007

waiting for the 2009 one

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