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What Police is this?

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If I'm not mistaken, they are the highway patrol..
Bear in mind, the cars might look standard, but is highly tuned...

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here in the us this is like a everyday thing and in california they have like at least 10 or more a day

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well.. at least those police in US surely got something interesting to do compare to Malaysian police... ekekkee

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I never see a police chase before..I only read in the newspaper, whenever there's a chase, someone will be shot dead..

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yah.. i agree wif @hokuan.. msian police shoot til die one.. u can read news all robber kena shot mati mauahaha.. so dun try to be robber in Msia, very high risk job

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Bang..bang, you run, you DIE says the Polis, hehehe, nowhere to run.....

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"Bang bang, shot dead
Everybody's gone mad"

Michael jackson

They don't care bout us

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haha... that highway helang is damn stable leh. i chat with a police b4, he tried 250km/h++ with that car, the only thing shaking is the top siren. haha... he got to slow down cos he scare the top siren tercabut, then go back police station kena marah...

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