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chee keng hong

ckh: Mix & Match - Chevy '55/'56/'57.....!!!

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Guys....here some of my '55....'56....'57 Chevy to share with u all..! Still miss out a lot of variants from this casting....but do let me share some of this 1st...


nice camere effect.... Razz

...thanks for looking!! Very Happy

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great pix and great cars...so many colour and all nice..i got a few only.. Smile yup enjoy watching it... Smile

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xebec-Crash wrote:
great pix and great cars...so many colour and all nice..i got a few only.. Smile yup enjoy watching it... Smile

Yup! Look great when have a group pics taken! Thanks for looking!! Very Happy

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ada la sikit2... later will show the haul...
btw.. have fun with ur haul oso bro.. ehhehe...

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musclemania wrote:
I remember I did buy a colour shifter...back to 90's. Yellow color with red flame.

still in ur collections?? Pls...post the pic!! Very Happy
Wanna see hoe the back yr 90's colour shifter look like compare to today one!! Thanks!

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chee keng hong wrote:
musclemania wrote:
I remember I did buy a colour shifter...back to 90's. Yellow color with red flame.

still in ur collections?? Pls...post the pic!! Very Happy
Wanna see hoe the back yr 90's colour shifter look like compare to today one!! Thanks!

Embarassed After the front engine spoilt, already into the bin, sigh...shud have kept it...

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