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little haul of the month...

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hunting high & low searching for the s2000 & BTTF, non of tat spoted Sad
jz manage to get tis all today, enjoy cheers

new ferrari 5 pack in town...


new wave speed machine hit in town as well....


thx for viewing, happy hunting! cheers

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me wanna the mustang.. me trade with you some ferrari racers can...

anyway, nice haul there bro...

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sahama @ jz okok liao haul only Smile

jhc7598 @ yea... quite statisfy, but i still wanted s2000 & BTTF Sad

enyomic @ TQ TQ, jz little haul, still not killing u instead Razz

mushroom @ aik bro, sorry man. i jz oni got 1pc.

CKH @ yea... it might already land in your place le... keep hunting

sinclair @ u will see them soon, but still the paint job QC not very statisfy Evil or Very Mad

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new SM n new wave mainline...i only want that 69 Razz

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