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Sneak Peeks HWC 8/27/2011

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Some news taken from t-hunted. Im sure many of guys have check them out. The cars are damn awesome! Selamat Hari Raya guys! Happy hunting cheers

Ferrari FF (2011 New Models)

69 Mustang 3rd Color?

and this one will come from 2011 Tunerz Top 5 Pack

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jhc7598 wrote:
evo again!! yeay!!!

yahoo... maka bertambahlah sebijik lagi evo... kaler pun bleh tahan... ferrari ff also nice

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RegistraCHAN wrote:
Evo in 5 pack, not a single carded
aduh ,,,,,,,

Tak ada card tak penat nak melapah

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chee keng hong wrote:
i merely completed the EVO X

hai meh....? buleh percaya ke merely....... hmmhmmwhistlingwhistling

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