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haul bukan scalper...

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sahama wrote:
Tapi haul macam scalper to be, congrats

hahaha..mana ada bang..semua untuk sendiri..tp kalau ad kawan xdpt score, just jual je la.hehehe

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Huge score Bro! cheers
Registrachan sure likes those R32...maybe u can PM him blush
I like the Evo!!

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byknye ko dpt skyline.aku xpnah jmp sbijik pun Crying or Very sad

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jackdy wrote:
jang, r32 tu suma den mau.. hahaha

hahaha..aku da jual due da..ko xckp awal2..xpe2..aku tau sape ad..cume aku kene check retail price ke idak

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rajaazlanshah363 wrote:

hahaha..aku da jual due da..ko xckp awal2..xpe2..aku tau sape ad..cume aku kene check retail price ke idak

yolah, ekau x bgtau den da...

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chee keng hong wrote:
look more like scalper haul to me ! tonguelaugh1 joking bro!!
congrats on the superb haul!

hahaa..then it is wrong title lah bro..hehehe..i only take for myself n for trade only..still got few that i left there for others..

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danielh wrote:
congrats !!! so many skyline!!! clap

now got 2 only..cz i take for my friends also..hehehe..bila la nak rasa custom bs yg warna putih tu?? hehehee

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rajaazlanshah363 wrote:

now got 2 only..cz i take for my friends also..hehehe..bila la nak rasa custom bs yg warna putih tu?? hehehee

i knew that you will ask me these....sabar bro , sabar. the next white bs will be reboot version. sweat

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danielh wrote:

i knew that you will ask me these....sabar bro , sabar. the next white bs will be reboot version. sweat

hahaha..ini yg xsabar ni..reboot version..got machine guns or rocket launcher?? heheheh

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