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(Solved) : Going back to regular Forumotion....

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Sorry, but it is permanent.  Did you read the information in your AP?

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As SLGray said, once a forum is converted to a club there is way to revert it back to a forum. This is also stated multiple times in the conversion process.


Sorry about this.


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To bad. Wish there was a way but it was stated it won't. At least let us test the new site and if we don't like it could go back.

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this information has been clearly specified on the forum before it's importation.

in the conversion request page :


in the conversion confirmation page :


we cannot therefore invest in development time to cancel work that is only just beginning and that needs your support in order to be launched and come to life ! 

this is not a test project but a community site that needs to live thanks to your actions and that is why we refuse requests to import test forums or other empty forums.

we are counting on your support and understanding to make this project as flourishing as Forumotion that has also experienced difficulties before being there as you know it today thanks to the support of its community and forum administrators

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