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Japan Earthquake

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My thoughts are with the Japenese right now,
Early this week I was moaning becouse my van needed a few repaires,We have no worrys live for the now!!!
The girls shown on TV holding the wine racks up in the supermarket in a 8.9 earthquake jeeeeeeze bless um......

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I agree m8...makes our problems in life look minute compared to the video and pictures on the BBC news channel.

Thoughts are with them right now silent

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@XS1100 wrote:
My thoughts are with the Japenese right now,
Early this week I was moaning becouse my van needed a few repaires,We have no worrys live for the now!!!
The girls shown on TV holding the wine racks up in the supermarket in a 8.9 earthquake jeeeeeeze bless um......


and i complain about small things in comparison sad to do rigth now

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agreeagree brings it home to ya when something like this happens, we don't know how lucky we are a lot of the time, I'm all too quick to moan about my lot - it seems the death toll is rising every second, it's tragic

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I mean honestly, whats next a plauge. The worlds going down the pan.

I think Mother Nature is p issed off with what we are doing to her world and is fighting back.

Its not only this, its the Nucular power stations, its the drug companies storing all sorts of nasty things. What happens at all these storage facilities when an earth quake hits.

Its really horrible, these poor poor people. My heart goes out..

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I just got home from work and saw it on the Tv, total sympathy for the loss of those caught up in it, but you have to admire the awesomeness of mother nature.

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yeh i feel for them too. must be horrific. seems to be alot of natual disasters within the last couple of years. thumb down

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What can you say bloody awfull images on the tv this AM,Poss 1,000 dead!
And lets hope those Nuclear power stations dont go belly up.(Its looking likely)

Just a thought the next time were snowed in for 2 days, Or a rideouts cancelled because of a bit of rain, thats about as extreme as it gets in the UK .
Arn't we lucky to be living here with very few wheather extremes.

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agree its looking more like melt down this morning, that will really screw things up!!!!!!!


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