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Made my day.....

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As most on here know i love me racing and spent many of year around the paddocks of racing in me youth with me dad and uncles, anyway i had an email from a guy called Marco Simoncelli....when i first see it in my inbox i was angry but at the same time intreeged to read it...so my soft side took over me and i opened it, he asked me to add him through FB and i'd see why he requsted my frienship... so after getting home tonight i accepted this guy and he'd sent me another email saying he loved my Super Sic tattoos and everyone in his family also do...anyway this Marco is the cousen of Super sic's dad...couldnt believe it at first what i was reading, ive been emailing him most of the night, he his genuein proved by his sister who i met at Silverstone last month, she told him about the tattoo she had seen on the day...they spootted me Race your life Tattoo on his website and tracked me down from there thumbsthumbs sorry if ive waffled on abit im a tad excited right now as hes offerd to write to me with a couple of pics etc etc for my support of Super Sic #58

This is one of many reasons i love my racing at any level they are all hero's in my eyes partypartypartyparty

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nice one stue good to see your pain was not in vain.
its also nice to see the bikes racing in the colours sic rode in again.

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@madcarper wrote:
nice one stue good to see your pain was not in vain.
its also nice to see the bikes racing in the colours sic rode in again.
agree allthough having the bike in black in memory of Sic is also a nice touch imo thumbsthumbs

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Nice one mate. Always nice to hear good things coming from bad. Credit to the lad for his perseverance thumbs

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Nice one mate. Always nice to hear good things coming from bad. Credit to the lad for his perseverance thumbs
Tell me about it Mike, im just one of many thousands of race fans so why me confused suppose its like me nan always said i had a face that once seen never forgotten thumbsthumbs allthough im not complaining thumbs

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@Stue11 wrote:
Nice one mate. Always nice to hear good things coming from bad. Credit to the lad for his perseverance thumbs
Tell me about it Mike, im just one of many thousands of race fans so why me confused suppose its like me nan always said i had a face that once seen never forgotten thumbsthumbs allthough im not complaining thumbs

Sometimes mate it's the small gestures of appreciation that people recognise most. They're some nice tats you've had done, but you've not thrown them out everywhere for the world to see. They're a demonstration of your recognition and appreciation of what he gave to the world of racing. Good to see they've got the recognition they deserve thumbsthumbs

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@Stue11 wrote:
Nice one mate. Always nice to hear good things coming from bad. Credit to the lad for his perseverance thumbs
Tell me about it Mike, im just one of many thousands of race fans so why me confused suppose its like me nan always said i had a face that once seen never forgotten thumbsthumbs allthough im not complaining thumbs

Sometimes mate it's the small gestures of appreciation that people recognise most. They're some nice tats you've had done, but you've not thrown them out everywhere for the world to see. They're a demonstration of your recognition and appreciation of what he gave to the world of racing. Good to see they've got the recognition they deserve thumbsthumbs
Thanks Mike means a lot thumbs

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nice one stue,bet you were on cloud 9 after reading it thumbsthumbsthumbs

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@lee wrote:
nice one stue,bet you were on cloud 9 after reading it thumbsthumbsthumbs
Just a bit Lee tbh thumbsthumbs ive learnt over the years that if you show faith and support in any and most racers will eventually show there faith and thankfullness in return, thumbsthumbs

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