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Nearly there .....

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As most know I'm in the last year of my degree course, and today's the day. Exam this afternoon and I'm done. thumbsthumbsthumbsthumbsthumbs

I'm hoping the sunny keeps shining as I'll be on the bike and there for 2, do the exam then out at 5 thumbsthumbs After that a few miles wheeliewheelie then home eventually thumbsthumbsthumbsthumbs

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Im sure you will fly it Mike all the best studystudystudythumbsthumbs

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Hope it all went to plan Mike - sure you will have done fine, now just relax. thumbsparty

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Hope all went well mike thumbs

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Thanks to all for the messages. Exam went okay, apart from a brain freeze on procurement routes ShockedShocked Think I managed to cover it in the other questions so should be okay thumbsthumbsthumbs

As you do, had a long run back LaughingLaughingLaughing

Where I came from:

Where I went:

Few pics

And one of the Green Machine:

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Fingers crossed for ya mate thumbsthumbs loving the green machine thumbsthumbs

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Glad it went well. Super pics. Got hail down here today thumbs

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TheBiker46 wrote:
Glad it went well. Super pics. Got hail down here today thumbs

Hail ShockedShocked
Had a few brief rain showers on the way up to Uni, but nothing major thumbs

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some nice roads round there mike ive stopped at that garage a few times for fuel on me way from scotland thumbs

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some nice roads round there mike ive stopped at that garage a few times for fuel on me way from scotland thumbs

First time I've been that far long the A696/A68. The run back along the A68 was interesting, especially with some of those blind summits Shocked
The straights were good though Twisted EvilTwisted Evil

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