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Had a murder on the street

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There was a bit of a commotion on the street last night, lots of blue lights & people milling around. We thought a party had got out of hand or somesuch. Police have had a house taped off with a plod outside since. It seems a young lad's come in to find his mum stabbed, allegedly by his father. Anyway, she was pronounced dead at the hospital, so there's a 52 yr old under arrest and a lot of wild speculation and gossip on the street. Shocked 

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Poor kid must have been awfull finding is mam Sad 

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you live on coronation street alan? joking aside feel sorry for the kid m8

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we had it a few years back the bloke she was with put a hammer in her head , lots of nutters out they

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Shocked  had a man murdered right behind my house a few years ago.. he was stabbed too.. not nice ..

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poor lad don't know how anyone can put there kids through anything like this

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Don't know what to say  confused  Shocked 

Hopefully the lad is okay (or as much as you can be).

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Chap supposedly murdered his wife/girlfriend near to me this weekend. He is in his 50's ffs

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@Oldfart wrote:
Chap supposedly murdered his wife/girlfriend near to me this weekend. He is in his 50's ffs
Se that on the news this morning Den ...

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@Oldfart wrote:
Chap supposedly murdered his wife/girlfriend near to me this weekend. He is in his 50's ffs

Not the same one is it Den? 52 yr old being held over this Hucknall murder.

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Think it could be Alan. We had a pensioner killed in Kirkby last year as well

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