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Not the green ones. fofl 

Timing retard eliminator.

Arw they any good.? I have been told to expect morw more through the gears. But does it fool the engine into thinking its running colder? So worse on fuel and a nightmare to start when hot?

study  tumble weed  scratch 

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on some Suzukis the power is limited in the lower gears, fitting a TRE fools the ecu into thinking its in a higher gear so giving you full power in all gears. and yes they do work, how well depends on how much your bikes been limited. They can make the bike a bit harder work at low speed though.

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I had one on my gsxr 1000 and yes i did give it a bit more go in the first few gears not that i ever went over 70 mph Laughing Laughing . miss that bike it was so fast and a joy to ride I love you I love you 

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@haveugot1 wrote:
@jezza wrote:
I have one of these fitted to mine

Do u have the one without a toggle switch.i dont have a gear indicator.

Will be getting one of these. Have u had to put a power commander on yours?
No toggle on the one I have, I don't have a power commander as I have a healtech fi tuner pro fitted.

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Do I need a remap after fitting the de restriction.or can I just fit it and leave it?

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I just plugged mine in, I did however have it remapped on the dyno to sort a fueling issue ( it ran very rich and bogged down).

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Unless your buying something real clever
that can correct individual signals for individual gears,
and not change the neutral signal etc,

The most a TRE should cost is about 20p

I've done a few, on a Gen1 Busa its a 6.8ohm resister from Tandy.

Busa doesn't give much difference but does remove restrictions. No bad effects.

Not popular with GSX14's. many owners dislike them.

Not needed on B-Kings. The smart ECU can be re-set as unrestricted.

Biggest mistake is confusing them with ignition advancers.
One permanently moves every gears signal,
a cheap / crude TRE changes signals to all be the same.
Neither are ideal.

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Yeah seen them ian. Im liking the one jezza has on his and getting it remapped to suit.

Will I see a considerable increase in power or am I just wasting my money for what I use it for?

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TRE's are not designed to give horsepower.

They are there to stop the bike backing the ignition
off in certain gears and losing it.

Sometimes they don't want you to have a 160hp 1st gear.

Some modern superbikes use it to restrict top gear or the top two.

It may even be done to back off certain gears to get past immisions tests.

a TRE only removes possible restrictions,
it shouldn't find any ponys that the bike hasn't already got.

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like tony says mark you won't gain anything and to be honest m8 you probably wouldn't notice unless you ring the bikes neck and you don't ride like that . I would go for something like a power commander and dyno set up for a nicer more responsive throttle action.

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Getting it on the dyno is a must if your gonna start faffing about with it. You can see from the readout below how mine would bog down , once the fuelling was sorted it was up nearly another 10bhp and the curve was a lot smoother.

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You could go down the flashing route if you wish (not something I,ve tried) , there are a couple of people up north that do it.
John Warrington  comes highly recommended. http://www.rapidbike.co.uk

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@jezza wrote:
You could go down the flashing route if you wish (not something I,ve  tried) , there are a couple of people up north that do it.
John Warrington  comes highly recommended. http://www.rapidbike.co.uk

Well just spoke to john and what a nice chap. He makes a tre for the busa its £80 built for your bike. He is goingito borrow me one and if I like it then purchase it. If I dont we r going dyno run it, find any flaws then remap to suit.

Cheers jezza. thumbs 

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