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off to the gym?life style change

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First day in the gym tomorrow  Shocked 

Bit of a life style change really packed the cigs in again  Rolling Eyes hopefully this time it will be for good
and the gym will help me with this

Hope me arms just dont get longer trying to lift them weights  Laughing  Laughing 

anyway 3 days a week in the gym 2 days a week cycling to work

and just spent a whole load of money on healthy food

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Good luck with it all lee. thumbs 

im back at the gym tomorrow to knock some punch bags about. smack 

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Got to do an induction day first, then when time allows I will be doing the same Lee first ever time in a gym though! affraid hope it works for you mate! thumbs  

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Got to do an induction day first, then when time allows I will be doing the same Lee first ever time in a gym though! affraid hope it works for you mate! thumbs  

The induction is good mike when ya go tell them what you want from going and most are more than willing to help you out

Ive not been in a gym for over 15 years its a bit nerv racking to start with but that goes after a few visits

I just want to be healthy and put some weight on
got a mate going with me who trains already so
should be easier

just the diet to get use to 3000 calories a day
spread over 6 meals but all healthy food  Shocked  Shocked 

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well done lee it pays to stay in shape you feel better and less tired, well once your body gets used to the exertion. wish I had the time to get back in to it, the joys of self employment. I had a small George forman grille at work great for banging a couple of chicken breast fillets on. try tuna and banana tastes better than it sounds.  Laughing 

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Nice one mate thumbs . I'm hoping to get some extra cardio work in this year. Got the strength training etc, just need to get my actual fitness levels up  thumbs 

May have to rename the forum "Hutchs Fitness Forum"  thumbs   Laughing   Laughing 

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Nice one mate  thumbs . I'm hoping to get some extra cardio work in this year. Got the strength training etc, just need to get my actual fitness levels up   thumbs 

May have to rename the forum "Hutchs Fitness Forum"   thumbs    Laughing    Laughing 
nice 1 mike its surprising how unfit ya get when ya start getting a bit older and not exercising and Im only 40 cigs aint helped though

anyway first session wasnt brilliant will hold my hands up Im an unfit wreck  Sad was sick when I left

but like my mate said keep at it and it will all fall into place  thumbs 

roll on tuesdays session  Very Happy 

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@lee wrote:
Nice one mate  thumbs . I'm hoping to get some extra cardio work in this year. Got the strength training etc, just need to get my actual fitness levels up   thumbs 

May have to rename the forum "Hutchs Fitness Forum"   thumbs    Laughing    Laughing 

nice 1 mike its surprising how unfit ya get when ya start getting a bit older and not exercising and Im only 40 cigs aint helped though

anyway first session wasnt brilliant will hold my hands up Im an unfit wreck  Sad was sick when I left

but like my mate said keep at it and it will all fall into place  thumbs 

roll on tuesdays session  Very Happy   

Unfortunately you're right mate  Shocked   Sad  Hopefully by middle of the year I'll be able to play a full hour of 5-a-side without feeling like I've been shot!?!!  Shocked 

Sounds like the first session was an easy one  Shocked   Shocked  I can remember that mate, my first couple of sessions in the gym  Shocked  Hopefully tomorrows eases a bit and you're quickly back into the swing of things  thumbs 

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Just done an hr in the gym.
20min run
20min on bike
20min workout on weights.

Protien shake and cool down.

feel better.

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@Davehutch wrote:
@Davehutch wrote:
I have just done half days hard graft ,
fruit n fibre
mars bar
egg sandwich
4 mugs of coffee  

sorry forgot    2 tramadol as well !

and a partridge in a pair tree  fofl 

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Here my food intake today dave  Very Happy 

porridge,banana,glass of milk

mid morning snack
turkey sandwich whole wheat bread
apple,glass of water

tin of tuna,100grams of pasta,sweetcorn,onion
glass of milk

afternoon snack
nutrigrain snack bar
glass of water

1 weight gain shake full of carbs and protein

cod steak in butter sauce,mash spuds,mixed veg
glass of water

supper will be
bowl of granola

Ive had 2000mg of omeg3 fish oil
added olive oil to all main meals
1 vitamin tablet

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@lee wrote:
Here my food intake today dave  Very Happy 

porridge,banana,glass of milk

mid morning snack
turkey sandwich  whole wheat bread
apple,glass of water

tin of tuna,100grams of pasta,sweetcorn,onion
glass of milk

afternoon snack
nutrigrain snack bar
glass of water

1 weight gain shake full of carbs and protein

cod steak in butter sauce,mash spuds,mixed veg
glass of water

supper will be
bowl of granola

Ive had 2000mg of omeg3 fish oil
added olive oil to all main meals
1 vitamin tablet


Sounds good mate. And a good way to fuel some good gym work  thumbs   thumbs   thumbs 

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Just thought would let you know how its going

anyway first week in still eating like a horse,but everything is clean and healthy

No cigs

the main difference Ive noticed know where near as tired as I was, lots of energy at work

getting up at 6am everyday as appose to waiting till the last few minutes and rushing about half asleep

gym workouts hard and intense been pushed to my absolute limit had a few days been very sore but copeing with it

not bothered weighing meself going to do that every 12 weeks

all in all slow changes starting but feeling good  thumbs 

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It's the way to go mate. Sounds like it's all working  thumbs   thumbs 

Given the work outs, sounds like you'll see some quick gains. Keep at it mate  thumbs 

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Really well done Lee thumbs  was suppose to have my induction today but the instructor didn't turn up  angry 
so I just did 10 mins on the treadmill, 10 mins on the cross trainer and 10 mins on the rowing machine gonna leave the resistance weights till I know what i'm doing
I'm away all next week on a course at Toton in Nottinghamshire so will start in earnest when I return
but again well done Lee sounds like your really committed mate  thumbs   thumbs 

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Nice 1 mike its a start

Well I feel a bit  Embarassed now writing this

Tuesday night I ended up in a&e after my gym session was cut short  Sad 

Did my 10 minutes warm up on rowing machine then did some stretches

went to do my workout couldnt lift anything felt all strange and not to good

Next thing my left arm shoulder and peck ballooned up very fast so big you would have said ive been on steroids  Shocked  Not that I am

anyway my gym buddy took me to a&e saw 3 doctors who were all baffled then seen another
doc who thought it may have been a blood clot  Shocked so they gave me some injection and kept there over night had some scans yesterday nothing shown up

was told to come home rest have 2 weeks off monitor it if it continues go and see me doctor

it looks like really bad water retention to me for what ever reason

think I may have done to much in a short space
stop smoking,changed diet,hit the gym all in one week

will have 2 weeks off and slow it down a bit who said keeping fit is good for ya

Im ok in meself just a bit peed off  Sad 

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At least it doesn't sound too serious mate  thumbs 

You may have to slow it down a bit, as you said. Rest it then ease your way back into it all.

Good luck with it all mate. Sure you'll soon get back into it and be putting them all to shame in the gym  thumbs   thumbs 

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@Davehutch wrote:
Bloody hell lee  affraid  take it steady m8 , is it wrong for me to have a little  Smile   hide 

Been back to hospital as I wasnt happy with what they were saying

Had a load of blood tests,Im there on monday for another scan and back to see a doctor on tuesday

Theres 2 things that could be wrong with me

1 is a form of arthritis that I could of had for years
and going to the gym has made it flare up  Shocked 

2 one of the blood tests has shown some issues with my liver so thats what the scan is for  Shocked 

I should know the outcome by tuesday so fingers crossed they will know and can make me well

as ya can imagine Im quite fed up at the moment
all I wanted to do was look after meself and be healthy,anyway fingers crossed it aint anything major

and I can get on with things soon

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@lee wrote:
@Davehutch wrote:
Bloody hell lee  affraid  take it steady m8 , is it wrong for me to have a little  Smile   hide 

Been back to hospital as I wasnt happy with what they were saying

Had a load of blood tests,Im there on monday for another scan and back to see a doctor on tuesday

Theres 2 things that could be wrong with me

1 is a form of arthritis that I could of had for years
and going to the gym has made it flare up  Shocked 

2 one of the blood tests has shown some issues with my liver so thats what the scan is for  Shocked 

I should know the outcome by tuesday so fingers crossed  they will know and can make me well

as ya can imagine Im quite fed up at the moment
all I wanted to do was look after meself and be healthy,anyway fingers crossed it aint anything major

and I can get on with things soon
feel a right  censored  now m8  Embarassed  keep us informed and good luck m8  thumbs 

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Dont feel a  censored  Dave one of them things m8

maybe its a good thing its happened now and not further down the road least they can sort things
out when they get to the bottom of it

it is quite funny to look at look at me from the left side
I look quite big

look at me from the right more meat on a butchers pencil  Smile 

will let you all know what goes off  thumbs 

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Hope ya get better soon lee. Maybe a bit to much for the beginning. Ive portioned my meals to small and often and trying to do more cardio than weights.

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Just thought I would let you all know

Had my liver scan yesterday all is fine with that no problems detected  thumbs 

the enzymes in my liver are still a little high,but they are dropping

after visiting the doctor again today,we went through everything Ive done lately as they cant pinpoint what was wrong with me and all the swelling is gone

so they are putting it down to all the changes Ive made in such a short time,to much to soon

there going to keep an eye on my bloods for the next few weeks just to make sure the levels drop back to where they should be

so got the all clear to get back in the gym but slow it down a little and stop trying so hard

on another note they had to weigh me in just over 2weeks Ive gained half a pound not a massive gain but thats good for doing everything naturally  thumbs 

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Well apart from living on rabbit food all is going well.

did HIIT (high intensity interval training) last night.
Tonight did boxercise

also weights in the middle.

day of rest tomorrow. Sleep 

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Good news everything seems okay mate  thumbs   thumbs 

Off to the gym shortly for some cardio  thumbs   Shocked 

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12 weeks in now  Shocked 

so all is well feel  censored  great not felt this well for a long time

so I weighed 73kg bang on 12 weeks ago at 5ft11
lowest my weight has ever been and I was sick of it

as of yesterday morning my weight is 78.4kg  Very Happy 

well happy  thumbs  thumbs 

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is that 5 kilos of muscle lee, if so that's pretty good going. keep it up m8.  thumbs 

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@madcarper wrote:
is that 5 kilos of muscle lee, if so that's pretty good going. keep it up m8.  thumbs 

I wouldnt say all muscle ian not sure what the percentage would be but kept any fat off me waist line

still a 32 waist  Very Happy 

going to do another 12 weeks of bulking then do a cut
want to be around 82.6kg? around 13 stone
thats what I use to be

I lost the weight buy not looking after meself always felt sh*t so this is why Im doing it  thumbs 

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Nicely done mate   thumbs   Keep at it and you'll get where you want to be   thumbs    thumbs

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