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Book reviews/suggestions

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Does anyone have or has anyone read either of the following two books:

Dreams and Visions by Joe Ibojie

Prophets Dictionary by Paula Price

Just looking for some general information on them: Are the readable? Are they biblical? Current? Useful? etc.


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Ya know I was just rereading this post and realized it may be Frederic Prices wife on TBN. If it is she is most certainly a Christian.

Hope that helps,

Connie huggins

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An Christian Television Network. Trinity Broadcasting Network. Jan and Paul Crouch....you have heard of them Yes?

Connie :huh:

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No, not heard of Jan and Paul Crouch. I don't watch much TV, but I will have to look and see if we get TBN. Thanks for the recommendation!


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FYI...Paula Price isn't the name of Frederick Price's wife...her name is Betty Price. I've never heard of Paula Price either.

I hope you get your answers...sorry I couldn't help more.

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