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Massive pain my stomach since surgery.

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Hi my dear friends,

Here I am again asking for prayer. I just had back surgery last week and now I am having massive pain in my stomach that I keep rolling around in bed trying to find relief. I know it is from the medication. Please continue to keep me in your prayers.

Thanks hugs

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I will pray for you right now.


In the name of Jesus we thank you for your healing touch Lord and thank you that you lay your healing touch on Jeanie our sister in Christ. Lord we stand on the fact that you have already paid the price for her healing. Father we plead the blood of Jesus over her right now and come against the spirit of infirmity and render it mute and bind its ability to manifest in Jeanie's life, we cancel all assignments right now and send it to the feet of Jesus for punishment. Father we pray you would send comfort to Jeanie. We thank you and praise you Lord!

your servant,

Connie praying praying praying

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Hello, hisbeauty4ashes

I understand what you are going thru, I went thru hand surgery and back pain, for almost a year, medication made my stomach hurt, But you are doing the right thing and that is to ask for prayer that was the only thing that help me thru, that time of my life, one day I was sick of being in pain and I went to church to talk to my pastor and he gave me communion for 7 days and I tell you God healed my body after 3 days of taken Communion

God Bless You And I pray that the Blood of Jesus cover you from the crown of your head to sole of your feet, and by his stripes you are healed



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When I had massive stomach pain after surgery it ended up being gall stones. It lasted about 20 minutes to an hour and seemed to peak at one point. I had two bouts. It was extremely awful.

How is it going now?

Will definitely keep you in prayer.


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Hi Mia,

I have not been on to much and just now saw your post. I am doing better but I do feel pain really bad from time to time in my back on both sides of my back or on one side so I have been watching it carefully.

It is funny I had a dream about peeing out a kidney and something clear and was concerned. You might want to chech it out on the posts.hummmm

Thank you so much all of you are such a precious gift in my life.

I do have a testimony and will post it on this board of the testimony page.

Hugs to you all much love

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Jeanie -

This is good news, Praise God!

Will continue to keep you in prayer.



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Jeanie -
Is your pain better? If you had a dream about kidneys - it could be a kidney stone. They hurt SO MUCH as they are passing, but immediately after they pass, you have relief. It would make sense to get kidney stone after surgery - either from dehydration, or sometimes secondary side effect of meds.
I am also wondering if you could have an ulcer. Ulcers are so common that meds to buffer the lining of the stomach are given any time (usually) a person undergoes anethesia. Plus, a lot of pain meds are irritating to the stomach lining - ibuprofen and some NSAIDS. Also, narcotics will cause constipation, in which it is sometimes hard to locate a specific spot of pain. Add to the limited mobility of having the back surgery and you are prime for constipation issues. Painful!
PLEASE bring up the pain with the doctor - unless it is 100% resolved for 5 days. OK? With the ulcer, you want to watch for bleeding. You'll know because it will change the color and look of your stools. If the ulcer is in the stomach, it won't be bright red blood in your stools. It'll be dark streaking and it may make your stools not form right.
Anyways, don't blow it off. In your situation, you have had enough strikes against you that it warrants letting your health care provider know about the pain.

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Pain on both sides of your back and a kidney dream sounds like a kidney problem. I had that happen with medication that I was taking and also with a kidney infection but in the case of the latter it was accompanied by fever.

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Hi my precious friends.

Thanks so much for your responses on this problem. I have been off the computer for awhile seeking the will and heart of my Father.

The pain in my left side has increased over the last few days. Before it would come and go it would be real brief and short. In the last couple of days it has increased and has gotten sharper. I have not been on pain meds for a few months now and usually when I am on them I get off them real quick because I have such horrible reactions to them. I do not have a fever or anything so I just wait till they pass.Now the pain seems to stay longer now and then it will go away.

Mia, was the pain when you had Kidney stones located on your left side on the upper part and it would be sharp it would go in your back and on your left side it almost feels like it is in your rib cage area in the front and the back?

Please continue to pray.

Love you guys

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No. When it was gall stones not kidney. It seemed to really be everywhere in my upper torso because it was so intense it radiated. It was so overwhelming and got so bad eventually (it came and went but the last episode was really horrible) that all I could do is roll around on the bed and groan.

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Have someone else put their hand on your back, palm down, hand open. The upper part of their hand should kind of go along the waistline and the thumb should fan open to follow just next to the spine. With their other hand, have them hit the hand on your back like they would if they were pounding their fist onto a table (but not that hard), so the fleshy part of their balled fist is hitting the boney part of the back of their hand. Clear as mud? If it is kidney, this will usually send you through the roof! But this kind of pain illicited this way is usually secondary to a kidney infection. It could also be vertbrae pain in the back - or even GI pain from somewhere else. Please bring this up with your doctor!!! Pain is real and a sign that something is not right in your body. Please don't blow it off!

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I will pray for you but I would have my Doctor check that out just to make sure everything is ok.

Loving you always,

Connie huggins

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Thank you for the advice, Connie. I did get it checked out but the ER was clueless.

Then, several years later during an ultra sound gall stones were apparent so they removed my gall bladder and I haven't had a problem since.

HALLELUJAH! That pain was worse than being hit by a car.

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The pain makes you feel like you are hit by a train. I keep thinking it is the Diverticulitas acting up so I just put it off. I am just waiting for other symptoms before I go in. Thanks Rne! I don't have a Gall bladder I was born with out one.

Hugs to you all.

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Ohhh Jeanie,

I have Diverticulitas also. Never and I mean never put that off. Get to the Doc right away if you are having any pain. Don't wait for other symptoms. You need to be on an antibiotic and a anti nauseous med. I plead the blood of Jesus over you right now.

I Love you so please go to the Doctor.

Connie praying

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