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I want to update you please read.

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Hi all,

I just wanted to update you on what is happening since I have been volunteering for the Republican office.Things have gotten heated do to certain Prop's here in California if some of you live here you know what I am talking about.

I am also heading up the churches to go to a rally for prop 8 to pray and intercede tomorrow morning. I am just praying for his will and his Kingdom to come and be done here in California and in the Us as it is in heaven. I do not know where you live but in California prop 8 is keeping a traditional marriage between a man and a women. This is really a fight here in our state to keep that traditional marriage alive. The other thing is about passing a law Prop 4 that parents have to know that their child is getting an abortion.This Prop 4 is one that is also very heated both in the church and outside the church. I must say These are some major issues that hate crimes have hit California not just over McCain or Obama but over these issues. Working in the Republican office here we have meet people who were in car accidents because someone had tampered with their breaks and they did not know it they just knew that someone had bashed in their windows for having the signs for McCain and Palin and a sign for prop 8 and Prop 4.When they went to drive their car they lost control of their car and it was either kill a family ahead of them or hit a tree this man chose a tree and ended up in the hospital. He is fine praise the Lord and he continues to work for the campaign.

This is only one story out of several just in our little city alone. I know all over California so many hate crimes are being committed over our certain propositions let alone both candidates. I know in other States across America other crimes are being committed because of the candidates it is sad what kind of war this has turned into in our own nation.

My heart grieves and aches for those who know the Lord and yet allows their hearts to become like the world in this election, full of words that curse and do not Bless this election. Hearts who judge and not listen to what the spirit is saying. I know the church is so divided in this election and we have allowed it to cause division and God is not a God of division! If those of you are for Obama and you feel the spirit is speaking to you to vote for him and you really know it is his heart then vote for him. Those of you who feel the spirit is telling you to vote for McCain then vote for McCain but we need to love each other no matter what each decide. The Lord said," The world will know us by our love. In this election people of the world need to know this love in which our sweet Beloved talks about.

I know the Lord still sits upon the throne. He is not wringing his hands or sweating about how this election is going to turn out. He lives and has his being and his will and purposes will be fulfilled no matter who takes office. HE IS KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS ALL OVER THE EARTH!! praiseGod

I often wonder is this election a test for his church? :uhoh:


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I often wonder is this election a test for his church?

Yep, because the church is divided.

I live in California too and I've had my "YES on Prop 8" taken off of my front lawn TWICE!! IT's fine, I have plenty of them and I just replace them.

We are living in the last days right now so things are NOT going to get any better...the world is waxing cold and because we are God's Children, we can rejoice and NOT get wrapped up in all of this drama. I'm a voter and will always be, but I REFUSE to stress out about this election because if I believe God is in control then HE IS IN CONTROL and His WILL will be done whether I agree with it or not.

It's so sad regarding the crimes you mentioned in your post. America, Amercia...we must get a grip...these are men and we have been commanded NOT to lean on the arms of flesh...we must Trust in God and God alone!!!!!


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Amen Cholette,

Just today as I was leaving the Republican office someone put a sign on my car next to Prop 10 the question why? It is sad. I trust my sweet Beloved no matter what for me no worries. Every day I step out of the Republican office I am faced with honking horns and people yelling at me. my life is always threatened but you know what? Jesus is my life and no one can take him from me. thumbs


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Jeanie - Thank you for the work you are doing! Your dreams make so much more sense to me now. I could not understand why God would give you all the political dreams that He does. But clearly, you are in a place where you can BOTH pray and DO. Blessings!

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Hi precious one,

I often have dreams in the political arena along with nations do to what ever the father wants to reveal. I had dreams of the political and government arena which led me into volunteering for the republican party. I had dreams of Nations which led me to missions. So dreams are interesting in my life as well as the rest of you because our sweet beloved speaks in the early morning hours to us . I am wonderfully and fearfully led by his dreams and so are you.He is so good. :PTL:


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You Jeanie,

The thing that comes to mind this morning after knowing that our new President Elect is Obama is that ALL authority is from the Father, and in the Word we are commanded to respect that authority because it comes from the Father. We need to stand together as a nation and love one another. I thought Senator McCain's speach was awesome last night and it showed the love of God in every word he spoke. He was an excellent example of how our Lord would have us respond to the news.

Love in Christ,

Connie huggins

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Hi Connie,

Yes this is very true. I do not understand some things in regards to dreams I have had but will process it before the Lord. As you read in the top of my email we need to bless and not curse but pray.

In Him

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RnestseekR wrote:
Jeanie - Thank you for the work you are doing! Your dreams make so much more sense to me now. I could not understand why God would give you all the political dreams that He does. But clearly, you are in a place where you can BOTH pray and DO. Blessings!

AMEN!!! I thank God for the dreams He gives you Jeanie! each one is like a peephole into the political realm! SO thankful you are here! Thank you for working so hard!


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