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I need prayer now

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I need prayer I am a new school teacher at a Technical School, and it s been very challenging. God allowed to get this JOb. Also I teach Adults. I never taught I pray for wisdom and knowleged on the subject I am teaching. thanks :afro:

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father,i pray 4 kimi..2day,,anoint her 2 flow and function in her job,,grant grace,,empower her by yr spirit,,may she shine,,,4 all 2 see,,amen,,, 👏 flower D

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In the name of Jesus we come before you in agreement with kimieluv. She has asked your children to pray for her and this new position that was opened to her. I ask you, Father, to grant wisdon, compassiona, understanding and knowledge in this new position. I ask that you guide her the way you want her to go and teach like no one has ever seen before. Father, cause a great passion in the minds of the students to learn from her and to get understanding in the courses that they take. Father, the days when it seems so hard for her I ask you to wrap her in your arms and send great love and comfort to her and all around her.

I thank you Father for always hearing my prayers. In the name of Jesus, I pray Amen.

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