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I think my director is trying to fire me

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HI I am back again. Today another disaster with my boss. I need GOd favor and mercy. I need peace and I need my job. I am really getting attack.

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You do what you know you're suppose to do and let God handle the rest. Remain calm and exhibit Christ-like characteristics.

A member of my church gave a testimony about her boss. Her boss has been riding her from day one. She's been on her job a little over a year now and have been dealing with a very mean boss. Her boss has 13 years of service for this particular agency. Well, my Sister in Christ, kept her mouth closed, did her job and stayed in God's face concerning her boss. A few weeks ago, her boss gave her a bad/false review. She prayed and told God about it and asked for a meeting to confront the allegations and her boss had no proof to support her accusations. Needless to say, this woman with all these years under her belt was FIRED! You can't continue to attack God's people and get away with it. God says enough is enough.

Come to find out, this lady had been doing this for many years but everyone was intimidated by her authority so she used it to mistreat her employees. But Glory be to God, He is not intimidated by noone and whoever decides to go up against Him...WILL NOT WIN - That goes for His people as well.

Stay strong, sweetie and allow God to fight this battle for you. If this director of yours don't watch his/herself, God will move him/her on out of the way and YOU will be the Director.! He/She don't know who their messing with. I'm telling you...God don't play about His children and soon this entire world is going to know AND believe it...watch what I tell you!

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Amen!! Amen! I love how you said this Virtous..... And parta thank you for your prayer. I am praying that everything runs smoothly tommorrow!! Thank you your testimony help me out V thank you bandaid

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hi can u get 2 getha wiv a prayer partner an pray an agree,, bind the strongmen over that man and loose gods best in the situation,, praiseGod praiseGod flower D

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One note to encourage you: every time you pray you have a partner......The Holy Spirit who is in agreement with you if you are praying for the will of the Father in your life. When you do not know how to pray or are deeply troubled by something; use your prayer language.

I will keep you lifted in prayer.

Love in Jesus,

Connie praying

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You are more than welcome. That's what testimonies are for...to be shared. It wasn't my testimony but I know my Sister in Christ won't mind me sharing it to encourage someone else.

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No weapon formed against you can or will prosper and EVERY evil tongue that rises up against you will be refuted because THAT is your inheritence through Christ Jesus!!!!

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Please continue to keep me in prayer... My director has tld me she will be working closly with me in my class. So you know I am not liking this at all. I am doing my best to keep my peace. There is no need for her to work close with me. I am praying whatever evil intention she tries that it be slapp bck to the pits of Hell. She has this power trip going on and its really no need. I really dont want her to interfere with me and my students. I pray God keep me humble in Jesus Name.. Also she has this provking spirit and she tries to pick a fight and I really dont want to talk to her and she knows this. Maybe I can get someone to fast on behalf for one day for a few hrs.. Thank you

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I will fast with you, Kimie. I think that you are being picked on because you have been "picked". Your director is allowing the devil to use her, but the devil is being used by God to make you stronger, and He isn't going to allow you to be tested more than you can bear. I KNOW that every pit the enemy is setting for you cannot work against you. Doesn't mean that it doesn't look like it from the outside looking in. I pray for God to either make her at peace with you, or to move her and her influence to harm you away from you. Lastly, I pray for the peace that Jesus promised to leave with us rest in you. There is a danger of little, small-minded people in big positions, but just keep doing what you are doing, which is honoring and respecting her position as Director. As long as you are doing what you are supposed to be doing, God will glorify Himself through you. Just take one day at a time. Praying for you always.

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Thank you Lightbeam!! I think your name speaks for you HISLIGHTBEAM!! I really need it trust and know God will reward you greatly. It feels good to know that you care and you are willing to make a sacrfice for me. I rarely ask for a fast from others, but when I ask I really need. I will be so happy to pass this test. I pray its over now in Jesus name. Blessings women of God.

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