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A report: On my first sermon

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Hi everyone,
I had posted in the praying place section that I was going to be giving the word at my church. Well I did it this past sunday, and let me tell you...I was so nervous at first, but once I got up there...God just calmed me down. I don't even really remember everything I said, but My pastor told me that she was Godly proud of me afterwards, and that I showed a maturity and casualness that showed that I had been ministering to others. My family told me that I did well and that I presented in a way that everyone from young to old could understand. I thank God for that. Some years ago, he gave me the scripture Isaiah 58:1- Cry aloud, Spare not, tell the house of Jacob their transgressions, and I knew then that he was calling me to do or be something, but I didn't understand. Then he gave me Isaiah 54:3- For you will be bursting at the seams, Your decendants will occupy other nations, and resettle the ruined cities. I believe he was answering my prayer for natural children, but I also believe that this has to do with my evangelist gifting. I will be ordained at the end of this month as an evangleist. So I just thank and praise God for entrusting me with this gift, and for thinking so highly of me to present Him to His people. Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement also. God Bless.

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AWESOME!!!!! I'm so happy for you. I KNEW God would come through for you!!!!! Not only did he come through for you and minister and touch lives through you...promotion came with it. HALLELUJAH!!!!


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Praise the Lord, that's great news! Congratulations on your promotion to Evangelist!

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