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Wow!! Director is something else

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Ok I go to work thinking I am going to start my new class, in which remind you my schedule was just changed to afternoon. Only to find out that I will not be teaching this month but I will be retrained for 30 days. So the Dean and my director is in here telling me. They took in consideration what I said about not being trained properly by my director because she just assumed her role as a director and she was trying to teach and direct at the same time.

BUt I dont know I find this quite strange because They just hired a new instructor a few days ago. and the director will be training her. This does not seem right. So the dean says I will not loose any pay, and today they sent me home with a paid day off. Also he said I will be working closely with Ms. Lowe the Director she will be the one training me, ) I am thinkning man this Lady still has a problem with me and she never let it go....... Yikes is this a set up...... I did not bother to ask questions I simply agreed and I went home . I was thinking to myself like what is going on here. So I just agreed and I left. Also director said she will call me with a schedule as when to come in....
SO I am left haning...... God please fix this....Lord you know and see all things, GOd you give me the schedule that you want me to have in Jesus name..

Then I decided to call HR....Well Pray warriors I need your help again.. Pray for me. I just want to work in peace. I thought I was doing a good job. I pray that GOd will give me wisdom and another open Door. Its like I dont know whats duh going on ..........

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Hi, Kimie. First things first right? I read your other post about your grandfather and the director. She doesn't seem to be the type of person to change her ways, but maybe the child is her directing style?...Anyway, you are doing what you know to do, what God has revealed to you, and you are praying about it. I always pray about what to pray about during warfare, know what I mean? Make sure that you call the office starting tomorrow, do that everyday and document your call time and who you spoke with. That way the director and the dean cannot say that you quit and that they did not hear from you. Don't wait for the director to call you. Continue to honor her position, even if you cannot really do anything about the person in that position. People who are worldly are demonically influenced. That goes without saying. Therefore they use a crafty wisdom and devise schemes that you could not possibly dream up. Please relax, and trust in God. Do not let it upset you. God knows what is going on, and He knows that you are waiting for information from Him. So He is talking to you, but when He has something specific that He needs you to do. The only way you would miss it is if you harden your heart, and are being rebellious and refusing to listen. You are not doing any of that foolishness. You did go up on another level. You're ministering greatly in the body of Christ, and doing a lot-you're serving God while you are waiting on God. Oh, the enemy is upset, but no one can stop what God is doing for you, to you, and through you. He will demonstrate His power in you. Continue to be humble and let God orchestrate the victory. I cover you with the blood of Jesus, and claim peace and victory in his name. Satan, the Lord rebuke you and your plans, as well as all the demons and persons that you have aimed against Kimie.

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amen!! amen!! so i called yesterday and it appears I will have the same schedule the afternoon shift. I called Hr so they could look into this for me and be aware of whats going on... So today I start training with her for 30 days. Thank you for your prayers and I am glad to know you are prayig for me. Because the Devil is a liar and I pleade the blood of Jesus over this director and entire adminstration team at this school. I am looking and listening and watching.

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Guest Guest
Dear Sister Do not Fear
Read Jeremiah 30
I encounter a similar situation these 2 days
Not matter how hard they try. This thing is not in their hands
God is the one in control..Sometimes is better just to come to the Lord and trust him This battle is not yours.
Stand Still... You will not loose anything stand on God's promises and Do not fight back You are limiting God's power.
When the enemy Shows always is in a condition or situation where the real believers are going to feel opress.
Like the spirit in these case an evil spirit....your Director is opressed by that spirit, remember when the Giants died they become evil spirits and they are here to test you in your faith.
How much do you relay on the Lord? Do you really trust him?
Does not your life is in his hand?
if you woke up this morning is because He gave you life and another day to enjoy his Mercy and Love.
Come to this thing like David: he told the Giant: You come to me with Spear,sword and Jabaline but I come against you in the name of Jehovah of the Armies
Not matter how tall and fearful the thing is . Remember the Giant will talk to bring fear to your life ,to make you doubt..
Trust the Lord with all your heart God has not given them power to harm you..Trust the Lord.
Father in Jesus I thank You for this victory ,Lord Give strenght and courage to my Sister to resist ,Increase her faith and allow her to see what is hidden in front her eyes,Open her spiritual eyes now Father!. in Jesus name
May the Lord Bless You And keep You

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Hmmm...this puts me in rememberance when I was younger and i worked for a department store. I worked in one of the busiest departments and I was the assistant manager. I got pregnant with my son and the management told me that they didn't want to stress me out with the extreme demand the department had, so they put me downstairs in the plus size department. Everyone including me knew this was a demotion even though they called it a lateral. They had a new chick they wanted in my position because she had some ties to the corporate office. The whole time of this transition I was disturbed, but I did everything they asked me to do because God told me to keep my smile and keep my work ethic no matter what. When the "big wigs" came to look at the numbers of all of the departments, the revenue for my former department fell tremendously and the numbers for the plus size department went up A LOT!! It was REALLY evident at that point...after I saw the strange looks on the managers faces...what they were REALLY trying to do and it was exposed.

The plus size deparment was one of those areas no one wanted to work in because no one ever shopped in there, but when God got in it, he changed things around...not just that, but I was able to get MORE experience and when they finally wanted to put me back in that other department, God had brought forth another job where I was able to utilize the things I learned in the plus size department. I was promoted outside of the company and God worked it out for the good.

I said all of that to say this...it looks like she is messing with you, but God is training you for something else. It always looks bad especially if we have our focus on the individual who is making things hard for us. Put your eyes on Jesus and discern the good that he is bringing forth out of this situation. God loves you and if He allowed this, you better believe that He is up to something for YOUR GOOD!!! 👏

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I totally agree with Cholette. The same thing happened to me.

I was hired with a department and was told I may have to transfer later on down the line. To make a long story short, I was transferred to another department (within the same organization). All they did was pull a switch-a-roo with me and another lady. Later, I found out that the Office Manager and the lady I switched places with are distant relatives and she said she wanted her in the main office because she wouldn't be able to excel in the office I went to. I was like, "Well, what about me?!" She was actually grooming her for the job she holds now (Office Manager).

But God used it for my good as well. The experience I got from being transferred equipped me with the skills I needed for the promotion I received afterwards. The enemy still tried to stop it. HR removed my name from the list because they said I wasn't truthful on my application (mind you, this is the same application I used from the very beginning. I only changed the date and the classification). Which was not true. But because a certain area of my application was not mentioned in the interview, they said it was grounds for my name to be removed. They actually removed my name but God set it where the list was pulled right before my name was removed and I got the promotion.

There's not a devil in hell or on this earth who can thrawt God's plan for your life. Keep on holding on to what God has told YOU!

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Everytime I leave a job, I also go to the next level in financial blessings with the experience that I got from the old job. Everything IS working for your good. I love how Cholette collates this situation.

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Amen everyone!

I have a similar testimony but in my case the switch didn't involve another person. In two instances at other jobs a similar situation played out - one day I was a great employee then out of the blue I was being told that my performance was sub-standard and that I was going to be put on a performance plan. :huh: In both cases, they REALLY had to stretch to build a so called "case" and it hurt because of the effort I made to do good work which had been recognized until the Day of Hypocrisy as I call the day that I was told about my performance.

The bottom line is this...the period I remained in those roles was a refining period. In one case, I quit the job without having another one to go to because it became unbearable. But God is faithful - one day about one month later when my savings was about to run out I got a call from some consultants that I worked with from a previous job. They'd heard through the work grapevine that I was out of work and wanted me to work with them...they'd send me overflow client work when they were overbooked and I'd work from home. I did this work for 1 1/2 years and made enough money so that my (then) husband and I could still pay all our bills and I had my first son during this time and was able to stay home with him for his first six months. The work was project based so it wasn't steady income but when we were in need, it was like the Lord told these consultants to call me because SO MANY times, the amount that they were going to pay me ALWAYS lined up exactly to what the amount of my need was just when I needed it. It was during that time that my faith walk with the Lord deepened because I learned just how much He cared for me that He would make sure that my needs were met. praiseGod I still tear up when I think of that time, because He demonstrated during that time just how perfect His timing is!

The best thing is that the experience that I gained from this work opened doors for me to start getting my own projects directly from other small companies which gave me more experience that qualified me for an great assignment with a company that I later joined as an employee and that proved to be the BEST job I've ever had careerwise. I received a financial blessing from that job too after working there for less than two years that allowed me to have the money to buy the house that I'm in now. And that took place as I was in the middle of a divorce from an abusive husband.

In the second job, similar result. This time I found a contract based job before I left that paid me 30% more than I was earning. I was there for about one year. That assignment positioned me for the next real job that I got which then positioned me for the job I'm in now in the industry that I like working in. This job is one that I know God gave me - during the Christmas holidays in 2007, I was feeling discontent over the job I had left consulting for because of a lot of things. Overall, it wasn't so bad that I wanted to look for another job but I could see that I was going to get bored and I could already tell who the "problem children" were that would make my work life unpleasant. I prayed to the Lord that if this wasn't where He wanted me to be then I was ready for the next assignment.

Right before Christmas I got a real bad case of the flu and was out of the office for two full weeks - actually I did come in the day after Christmas but went back home after only a couple of hours. Because this happened during the holidays, the head of my department insinuated that I exaggerated my illness in order to take the time off - as a new employee I didn't have enough vacation time available to take the days off. I was very upset about this because it was an attack on my integrity so I prayed about it while at work. I KID YOU NOT - when I got through praying, I realized that I had voicemails on my phone that I hadn't checked that day. When I checked, there was one message that was left by a recruiter that I have worked with on and off over the years. He was calling to tell me about a job that he was trying to fill and he'd thought of me immediately because he remembered what I was looking for in a job (he had unsuccessfully helped me with my job search when I found this same job) and he was sure that "even though I'd been with XXX company for only six months, I should at least review the job description because it would be a good fit and I would grow in the job, it would give me great experience."

Well I did and I ended up taking the job which is where I am now. I LOVE the work although it can be a heavy workload at times. I say all of this to say: DONT WORRY, GOD'S GOT YOUR BACK!! Keep your eyes on the prize! He is working this all out for your good, just stay obedient and watch what He does, it will blow your mind!!

Make sure you share your testimony when you're on the other side of this! thumbs huggins

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LOL, and the funny thing about it, is that God will allow things to happen that I feel are in existence to not let me get attached to a job or to rely on it as a source. Father owns cattle on a thousand hills! He is able to take care of us in ways we cannot imagine. We are a royal priesthood, never forsaken and will never have to beg bread.

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Dear Lord Jesus,

I thank you for my sister in Christ, Lovetoworship. I thank you Lord that your peace rests on her. I thank you Lord that no weapon formed against her will prosper and every tongue that rises against her will be condemned, such is the inheritance of the servants of the Lord.

I speak this over you: Psalm 91: 1-16

He who dwells in the secret place of the most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God; in Him will I trust.
Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day:
Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plaugue come nigh thy dwelling.
For he shalll give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Thou shalt tread upon the lion and the adder; the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.
Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath know my name.
He shall call upon me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him, and honor him.
With Long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.

Thank you Father for you word, your love and for your salvation!

your servant,


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Amen!! Thank you I read this outloud as I read it. I spoke to the elder at my church and she said while praying for me. She saw broken glass and spider web cobbs. I could tell while she was praying in the spirit that she was tearing down strong holds. So I need all the prayer I can get. THank you

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I understand completely. Keep praying the 91st Psalm in effect over your life and tear down the strongholds. Remember we wage war against the principalities not the person.

Love in Jesus,


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