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What I Saw and What God Did This Morning

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I must share this with all of you. This morning I sort of woke up a little meloncholy...not sure why, but I did. I was dragging around getting myself ready for work and when I finally got in my car and headed for work, I asked the Lord to touch me and to remove whatever this thing was that was weighing on me. All of a sudden I looked up into the overcast sky and there was this interesting and unusual hole in the clouds that had sun rays beaming through it...it was as if his glory was shining through my inner man (the overcast sky represented how I felt inwardly). Immediately the heaviness that I was feeling lifted.

You GOTTA love the way God does a thing! Who couldn't serve such a precious and wonderful Savior such as Him? Tell me WHO??????????? LORD, I just want to say thank you for reaching down and lifting me out of the mirey clay. Only you can do that and I just want to say THANK YOU...what I Mighty God You ARE!!!


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:PTL: Jesus...You are magnificent!

This is a prime example of NOT limiting God in a certain way to reveal himself to your prayer this morning. You would have missed out on the move of God simply because you refused to see your answer in the clouds...His creation! God used His creation to speak to His creation! Look out Now!! :thankyou: , Lord!

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God used His creation to speak to His creation!

That will preach me happy!!

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Guest Guest
Blessed be The Lord...
Blessed be His Holy Name For Ever!
Yesterday night why i was sleeeping in my bedroom almost past midnight my eyes opened by themselves and I was a witness of an event
a few times observed I saw the moon waxing to a full moon.I was amazed by his brightness All i can think was what God told us..that He put the sun and the moon as signs of his times and seasons..
A breakthrought a hand..
Blessed be the Lord..
Blessed be Jesus and his holy name.
Blessed be the Lord that every day blesses us.
Blessed be his name for ever and ever!!

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