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I am perturbed to find the u.s. army hiring soldiers to build concentration camps, 6 all total, at goarmy.com. I thank the vLord Jesus for answered prayer. I pray that sleeping christians wake up. who else would those camps eventually be for?...

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ugh,,i saw on tha cover of new scientist that ther r i d chips ready 4 everyone,,,ugh,,

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I wonder if this has anything to do with the prisoners that are about to go to war. I've heard soldiers in the military talking in conversation about this (the v-chip). It's said to be planted in the prisoners (death row - violent crimes inmates) head to keep track of them.

I didn't know they were being hired to build concentration camps. I thought it was to "rebuild" the damages that have been made due to the war.

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That is because you, being so sweet, Virtuous, you don't imagine bad things, . You are just not a plotter by nature, are you, boo? Stuff just keeps coming to my attention, and I can't help but wondering if that is what all those soldier dreams that I have been having was about praying about a lot of things I am seeing come to my attention IRL. And dreamy, there are already some banking institutions that I know for a truth that the higher up in management you go, you end up having a bar code to access some levels of the business buildings. That's why I emphasized that I could not go any further up in my latter.

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This goes along w/what you both are talking about:

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This actually goes along w/my last post, she's a bit slow but the info shows we need to get praying!

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Don't fear this stuff, It all has to come to pass to open the way for the return of Jesus.

The U.S. must become irrelevant.
The camps will not open until after the antichrist is in power.
Much of the world has seen worse, in recent years.

Rejoice for your redemption draws near.

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TF, I'm not sure why you think there is fear or lack of hope, the info shared was for us to know what is going on, is all.

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Virtuous, you don't imagine bad things, . You are just not a plotter by nature, are you, boo?

You're right...

I get teased about it all the time. Some things just amaze me of how people can come up with stuff.

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