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Seeing while praying or laying down

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Greetings all & Merry Christmas, When I'm praying after awhile I'll start to see a white sorta smoke or something unlike a white that I've ever seen, it's sometimes milky white or very bright. Sometimes as I'm praying I could begin praying for a certain person or group, area, etc; and then the mist will begin to swirl, twist, & move around a lot then I will begin to shake & speak in tounges.

Also sometimes I can just lie down to rest and then I'll begin to shake, see bright lights, & sometimes visions just recently I laid down to rest & this phenomenome began to take place I closed my eyes & within 30 seconds I saw the brightest white clouds in a beautiful blue sky & then I giant man who was made of air, water, & clouds but at the same time was transparent.. I could see him but see right through him. He kinda leaned from behind a huge cloud, then pointed at me, opened his hand & out came a group of circle shaped rays or something then I began to shake & speak in tongues.

Does anyone else see mist, colors, or color combination's while praying or lying down?

Just curious,


Happy Holidays

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Hi Juan!

This sounds awesome! No, I haven't seen anything like this before, but that doesn't man anything. You should pray and ask the Lord to give you more insight into what you are seeing.

It sounds like you have a wonderful "seeing" gift.

Merry Christmas to you too!!!

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I've been praying in my room before & my husband will walk in & say, whats all this smoke or haze in here for? I think its God's glory in the room. I laughed. I didnt see it. Sometimes as I'm fixing to go into a heavenly dream I see intense colors the strongest red, blues ,green very vibraint colors. I fell very happy & fortunate when I see them. ha!

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This reminds me of one of the chapters in the book "The Shack". I don't remember it verbatum, but it described colors like this when the main character was talking to God. This book is a fiction novel so it doesn't give any explaination to why he saw the colors.

I do agree with kimdelacreme that the midst/smoke may represent the presence of God.

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Thank you so much ladies, yes it's all still a mystery but I know when my spirits reached the realms of the Lord because when it's not I'll see stuff that totally out of the realm of the enemy..

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Juan my thoughts r that u def have some sort of seeing/discerning gift from the Lord. Some ppl have it in such a deep way that they r able to discern the enemy as well. It's a gift of discerning spirits.. both good and bad...some have a little of it an the more deeper they get w/the Lord the more powerful it gets
it's beautiful . God bless u ...

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I've found you guys!!!! After all these years of searching, I've finally found a forum that knows what I’ve experienced.

sword&scepter - I've had the same experience. Me and a friend of mine were praying together with both of our hands locked in each other’s. We prayed for about 10 15 minutes and before I knew it I started speaking in tongues. I would say another 5 or 10 minutes later I was in the midst of this, what I believed to be a white cloud. I couldn't touch it but I was in it and there was this echoing sound of vases shattering (I say vases because it didn't sound like glass but more like ceramic shattering). The sound was AMPLIPHIED – and sounded as if it was coming from within me because it totally consumed my hearing and I couldn’t hear myself praying in tongues anymore. All I could hear was the sound of shattering vases and the only thing I could see was being in the midst of the white cloud. I have been trying to find someone that had experienced something similar. The person I was praying with at the time said she didn’t see anything and she said she stood and watched me as I prayed in tongues said she didn’t hear or see anything else. I knew I wasn’t crazy and I knew it came from God but I just didn’t understand it. To this day I fluently speak in tongues, I could be worshipping, praying or just talking to Jesus and there I go. I LOVE IT!!! I just need more direction and guidance on how to use it and what I should be doing.
Thanks everyone!

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