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tsunarmi of bills,,,eekkk

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,,,hi family,,2day i got slamed wiva trukloada bills mi wrk situ hasnt wrked out how it was intended,, ,,,so im in distress,, ,,mi wrk runs out nxt wednesday, ur Dee needs u,,

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You don't need US, you need JESUS!! You need to go back and remember all of the other times God has come through for you when your back was against the wall. He's never failed you so focus on that instead of the natural situation. TRUST THE LORD D!!! He's faithful and He longs to bless us...we just need to believe that He loves us.

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i havnt 4gotten,, thats a mirikle rite there,,yeah um get me jesus on the line,, hello?? hello? is that u jesus?? yep ,im calling long distance,,,,,,ohh you;ll pay the charges?? t u ,,,, ,,, cholette,,,

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Father, In the name of your son Jesus Christ, we come before you to ask for intervention for Dreamster. Father, we pray that you will send her good stead work, and that you will help her money flow to improve. Jesus, you are our source, and you said that you will provide for all of our needs. I ask that you open the flood gates of heaven and let it rain on dreamster. All the good things that you have in store for her. Jesus, I pray that you flood her life with goodness, so she can boldly testify how good you've been to her, you came through for her in her hour of need, like you always do for you children because you are a good God. Yes, Lord you have plans for Dreamster, plans to big for her to see right now. You have shown her bits and pieces, but more is to come. Much more. You are going to lift her up so that you may be glorified through her, and you are going to use her in a mighty way, every where she goes. You are going to expand her territory so she can have more influence, you're going to open doors for her through her work. People are going to say is that our little Dreamster doing all of that, yes, Jesus says (and he chuckles with delight in my spirit) that will be my little Dreamster.

Praise you Jesus, you are so awesome and holy and so good. Thank you Jesus!!!!!

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g/gurl but i havnt hada genda change,, howeva i receive ur loveing prayers,, D

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Father God,

Thank you Lord for your promises! Thank you Lord that you are Jehovah Jirah my provider and also Dreamsters provider. Father we thank you that you are prospering us in everything we do. That we lack for no good or beneficial thing. We thank you Lord that you are pouring down a blessing that we can bearly contain financially. Father we bless you for blessing us. We give you praise, glory and Honor, in Jesus name we pray,


your servant


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Dreamster, I know that the enemy wants us to focus on our bills and what we don't "think" we have. It's a real battle we both are going through but Yah wants us to see Him as our provider. When Jesus paid a tax "render to caesar what belongs to caesar" he got the money for His tax Out of a FISH's MOuTh. God made the atoms that humans now use to make atomic bombs, I don't know where I was going with that... Anyway, I heard a story many years ago about someone in a Nazi concentration camp. They had a bottle of vitamins and were caring for the sick with them. She was almost out and she knew they wouldn't survive without them so she asked God to provide for her like He did for the Israelites in the desert. The vial stay full and never ran out.

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h/ft..i need mi wallet 2 hav that goin on,, thatsa orsome story,, 4 shareing, D

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ugh,,i got anotha salvo of mega bills 2day,,not mi spending but tax etc ,,i feel like im pearl harbour all ova again,, dunno wat 2do anymore,,,, Dee

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i am h/ft..im on his case 24/7,,,like the widow wiv the judge,,i blab2 him even wen im an wen im

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Hi Dee i'm praying for u .
I know the Lord had a great plan for u and it will come to pass... i'm in the same boat.. dont lose hope...
God bless

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um its gettg worse,, but gods either gonna be god or not,,im in tha fire,,um mi scrip 4 2day is plsm 91;15,,,u can borrow it 2 no charge,, D

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Hi Dreamster -

It's Christina -Just wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing?

I'm still praying for you - I hope you are doing okay and there is good news on the work front for you.

No news on my side of the fence yet.

Still trying to keep my trust in the Lord.

Stay in touch -

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heellloooo,,, um im feeling ok in miself but mi bank acc needs serious help,,i had 2 jobs cancel, ,,,um i feel like moses at the red sea again, 4 calling C,, D

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