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feeling the weight of the world

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Ever felt like there was so much negativity around you, that you feel like the weight of the world has been thrown on you?

Thats how I feel today. Seems like the negative out does the positive today. People I've talked to over the past few days. Even when I go on the social networks....families and friends (believers in our God) going through trials and tribulations, which we all do, but they have nothing positive to say. They just sulk and complain on cyber space.

I'm putting my foot down.....I rather not wallow in the mud.

Psalms 55:22 says

Cast your burden upon the LORD and He will sustain you;
He will never allow the righteous to be shaken.

James 1:2-4 says
v2.My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials,
v3.knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. v4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.

The Word of God gives me hope.

Romans 12:12 Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in PRAYER!!!

Prayer is the Key!

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Amen!! God is certainly doing something!! We need to remain steadfast!!

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yeah a/wgs put ur best foot 4ward,, ,,,let tha kingdom of god suffa violence an tha voilent take it bi force,, D

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Life is a set of event's, Let us take each event as a challenge! Fight the good fight!.......... If it is the enemy........ then let us learn to love our enemy......... If it is God, then let us pass the test. Don't listen to people who are negative too much! Set your self apart and pray in tounges, worship keep your self edified. God bless.x

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flap? I'm not sure what that means, but I'll make sure I wont get into it

oh wait a minute....I just woke up from a nap and had the strangest dream. It just might have to do with how I've been feeling lately.

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a flap is likea tizz,,,, but it was more a pun,, hows mi chikin wings comeing ,, D

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AH HA, I got it now....flap....wings...

oh my dreamster...I just had some buffalo chicken wings for dinner...there were so yum!!!

In my dream I seemed to be all over the place. I would be one place and another minute I would be somewhere else. At one point I was on a long road all by myself.....looked like it was somewhere out in the country. I would see cars driving by.
Then I saw myself surfing the net, going on facebook posting comments like "Praise Him", or "Praise God..He is so good" and I would post scriptures too.
Then I would feel sad because no one responded to my comments. I felt embarrassed.....I wondered if people thought I was crazy.
than I was even thinking of backsliding too.
Very strange dream.

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mmmm im soo jealous now, i onli got popcorn,,eekk, ,,in ur drm u sound like ur inna flap 4sure,, and u watching others progress in ther lives,,while u sit by, ,,but it sounds like something changes an ur rejoiceing like crazy,, ,,,um not sure of the end bit, ,,,D

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yes, I don't know about that last part either. I didn't like it. But in the dream when I thought about backsliding I was remembering how unhappy I was when I strayed from the Lord before....and I thought it was not a good idea to backslide.
It's still weird that I would dream that.
In real life I don't go on facebook that much...its rare. It's just not my kind of thing.

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yes it does...thats exactly how I feel when I'm on the social networks. Like I'm sitting back watching everyones progress. It makes me sad to see a few people I know constantly update cyberspace of all their downfalls and announce how horrible everything in their life is. Not asking for anything....just complaining. I dont know why it makes me so sad. But I've been where they are before...but I found Jesus. Maybe thats why it makes me sad.

After I posted this topic the yesterday.....I posted an encouraging devotional to my profile.....so everyone could read it.
I titled it...."choosing to be positive". I thought it was pretty good stuff

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