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Happy Mother's Day!!

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I just wanted to say Happy Mother's Day to all of you who have birthed children into this world and have raised them or are still raising them. It's a beautiful thing to be a mother and such an honor to be a vehicle to be used by the Lord to bring life into this earth. Being a mother has its ups and downs however if we really look hard at what we do, we can say there are more ups than downs.

Even if you've never birthed a child into this earth, but you have mentored someone, cried and ministered to them...the YOU TOO are a mother, so you need to enjoy this day in the same way.

If you are trying to have children and things are not working out the way you have planned and you are still in the season of wait, I still call you a mother because you have the desire and the mindset to usher life into this world. I would say to celebrate this day in faith and watch what God does because it brings him delight for you to have what you desire.

Have an awesome day!!!

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