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Misc Dreams

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Totally agree with you.

Just another note regarding the question which scripture was written on the board with the purple X.

Isaiah 51:1 keep coming to mind

love Lindyloo

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Praise the Lord!
1> Following is my dream I have seen and I want to meaning of this dream what does it mean...............
I am just walking above the ladder, which is lengthy in walking... where I see a house which is high above sky and in that place ,I see flower and plant are there, but when I look down, I see white color and ,I was afraid of seeing down, then I was thinking that how I walked so lengthy ladder ,I wondering about, but someone takes me up to that house which in high above sky.

2.We three friend where their and pastor called us for, pray and he told us to say blood in Jesus. And when we three friend started praying blood in Jesus continually then, I noticed my self telling that breath in Jesus.

For eg: when I say blood in Jesus for 10 minute automatically it start coming
Breath in Jesus.

Then I asked someone from my church member regarding this then she told me that lord has given u the gift.

For eg: when any person cannot breath and is kept on oxygen then. She told me to pray for that person to get breath in Jesus.

I want the meaning of breath in Jesus what does it mean..............

3.Dear pastor, Yes I read daily Bible, I have received your Dream Interpretations mail, and most of my dream are Warning Dream, What I see in my dream similar things happen with me. my desire to sereve lord. God is calling me to spread his gospel everywhere on this earth so that each and every one should know about the lord.

4> Following is my dream I have seen and I want to meaning of this dream what does it mean..............
> I saw my house and near to my house one stop am there and near to bus stop firing am going on and I saw people running here and there.
Then I prayed for that dream, but after 6months it becomes true 0n 26th November 2008 Mumbai.
And but whenever I see myself, the dream is for me or person close to me, lord show the dream for him.
This dream happened with my friend

5> Following is my dream I have seen and I want to meaning of this dream what does it mean..............
> I saw my house and near to my house one stop am there and near to bus stop firing am going on and I saw people running here and there.
Then I prayed for that dream, but after 6months it becomes true 0n 26th November 2008 Mumbai.
And but whenever I see myself, the dream is for me or person close to me, lord show the dream for him.
This dream happened with my friend

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I dont have the interpretation for this. The only scripture that comes to my mind is when they breathed on a person and they were filled with the Holy Spirit.

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