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Linda Irish

Step Out In Faith...

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A few years ago I had a beautiful cross that I wore around my neck. A friend gave it to me and I loved it. It was, and still is to this day, the most beautiful cross I’d ever seen. It was gold, and it was delicate, with diamonds, and it was rich and beautiful. It was one of my favorite things and I was happy to wear it.

One Sunday, during the praise and worship time at our church, as I was praying, God spoke to me by giving me a vision. In my vision I saw one of the ladies at church on her knees, and in the vision, while she was on her knees, I saw myself putting my necklace on this woman. I recognized the woman from our church; her name was Susan.

A peculiar vision—and again, like so many times when I feel that God is giving me instructions, I wondered about all this. “Do you mean that you want me to give this lady my necklace?,” I said to God. “I will. But where, and how? Do you want me to do this now? Do you want me just to go up to her in church and give it to her? Do you want me to look her up in the church phone book and call her, go to her home? What Lord?” Then I was still and waited on the Lord. I knew God would tell me when and where when He wanted to.

Very soon, I had the distinct knowing—from God—that I was to give my necklace to this lady the very next time I saw her. I was to put it on her, just like in the vision, and to tell her that this was from God.

The thing is that I had lived in this town for years and years, and I have never seen this lady anywhere other than at the church. So I didn’t have a clue as to where she lived, and I couldn’t even recall her last name at the time. But I did see her clearly in my vision. I did have a plan of action, and I knew now what God wanted me to do. And I was excited.

A couple of days later I was in the local Wal-Mart store with my husband. We were in the pet department, getting cat food. “I’ll be right back,” I told my husband, “I’m going to the ladies’ room.” And then I immediately wondered to myself why I’d said that, as I had no desire or need to be in the ladies’ room, and I thought to myself, “Hmm…that is funny. It must be habit, like a horse just heads to the barn,” …and I pondered that thought all the way to the back of the store.

When I walked through the door to the ladies room, there she was, standing right in front of me, the same woman that had been in my vision! And she was clearly troubled. I could see that she recognized me from church, and she seemed startled. Her eyes were red and watery from crying, and I knew then what God wanted me to do. Just like in the vision, I took off my cross necklace and I put it on the lady. “This is from God,” I said. “Oh my God…you’re kidding me,” she said. “Oh no, I’m not kidding you. God told me to give you this necklace and to let you know that it is from Him.”

The woman was clearly emotional as she began to tell me her story: “I came in here to use this room for a prayer closet. I had been praying to God when you came in. I was talking to God and feeling like I was alone, feeling like I had been abandoned in my suffering. I was asking God, ‘Where are you?’ Then you walked in and put this necklace on me and told me that this was a gift from God.”

It was a gift from God.

The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Good Shepherd, and we are the sheep of his pasture…and that WE WILL HEAR HIS VOICE. God does amazing things If we are only willing to step out in faith. I am encouraging all of us to listen, amen.

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I am So encouraged. I've been feeling lately that I haven't been able to hear from Him while reading my Bible at all.

I'm in awe of Him. He is making Himself more and more real to me, like as in a real person is really there even if they are thousands of miles away. You talk to them on the phone or on FB, or here. It's like a concept that has to be grasped but only He can help you grasp it. Him being so ever present even more than our friends and reading about how He gave you a gift to enjoy and also to comfort another is amazing. I love How He had you tell her that it was From Him just like it would be a gift from a human friend.
In the past it would have been like getting a from a friend who said and alien told them to say that it was from the alien, even though you believe in "alien", not quite real.

If it weren't for God leading me to this site I don't know where I would be. Probably still not feeling like God was quite there even though He answered prayers. He is making Himself real to me more and more, I asked Him to. I want Him to be more real than myself, my son, my husband.

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Thank you for being so candid so transparent. I know exactly how you feel. We are all on our journey and I know that the more passion that we have, to keep reaching out and to keep communicating with or Father, the closer we come to hearing His voice. We arent born knowing English,or whatever out natural language is, and in the same way we don't automatically understand everything that God says to us either. But God tells us over and over in His word that we will hear His voice. I believe Him and I continue to learn more every year. I love God so much...He is there beconing us. God Bless.

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Thank you for telling me that!! I never would have thought of it like that. :loveit: Yah Bless you too!!!

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Awesome testimony Linda. I love it!!!! Thanks for sharing. Isn't God's timing perfect..

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