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Boscoe Jenkins

question about the bible

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Hey I have a question...I've been wanting to know tis for a while now. When reading the bible how should what you're reading be taken??? should it be taken literally, should it be taken metaphorically? Some say literally, some symbolically. when I'm reading my bible I'm not really sure how to take some of what i'm reading and it bothers me a little bit because I think i might be missing something important & I dont want to do that. i really want to know the people's P.O.V. on this.

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lol! i wood say both ,, like the scrip which says crucify the flesh,, u woodnt put urself ona cross literaly wood u. ,,, then thers that scrip ,,if u see ur brother in need an hav the means 2 help him ,,u woodnt give him play money as a symbol,, urd give real money, hope this helps D,, a symboll of rest lol!

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Before I read the Bible I ask the Lord to show me what he wants me to see and understand so that I may apply it to my everyday life and that I might share it with the people I see everyday. Listen for his voice and he will broaden your understanding and give you revelation to its meaning. Also like Dreamster said it can be taken both literally and symbolically so asking for discernment and revelation of his word is essential for its meaning.

Hope this helps,


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And if your eyes cause you to sin, are you going to "literally" pluck them out?

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