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How God protected me from a creep

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Last month my brother got married. I felt very led to make him and his bride a wedding cake (there's a picture of one of the tiers I made in the creativity section of this site). On the way to the wedding with my husband and son and the three wedding cake tiers, the alternator on our minivan gave out and stranded us in a town about an hour away from home. My brother-in-law came to our rescue. My son, the wedding cake and I got into my brother-in-law's vehicle and went the rest of the way to the wedding, my husband stayed behind to take care of the van.

The trip the rest of the way was icy and there were a lot of bumps in the road, but somehow my cake made it to the wedding with only one daisy a little bent in on one side. We had missed the wedding ceremony itself, but there was a reception/dance thing at a supper club. Now I don't drink alcohol or dance, but all my brothers and sisters and their kids do. Family gatherings are never easy for me and this day I felt like a stranger on an alien planet. I watched one of my sister in laws get so drunk she couldn't even get her coat on by herself. I sat at a table across from my 89-year-old father, wishing I could just leave. My brother-in-law and his family (my taxi) weren't in any hurry to go, so I just sat there and tried to talk to people as they came to my table. A lot of people said very nice things about the cake I made.

Anyway, I was sitting at the table and a guy comes up behind me and starts massaging my shoulders and whispers in my ear, "Do you want to dance?" I could smell alcohol on his breath.

"No, thank you," I said.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"No thank you," I said again.

He reached down and touched my right breast. I was shocked. I froze. I just didn't know what to do. He moved on and I was glad to see him go.

Well eventually my brother-in-law and his family decided to leave the dance.

Just yesterday, my niece sent me some pictures of the wedding and there were a couple pictures of a guy lying on the floor with several men on top of him. I asked her what the photos were about. This was her answer:

The guy they were tackling had a knife! He was the one who was asking you and everyone else, including Grandpa to dance!! Obviously very drunk and got worse as the night progressed. He was cussing at everyone and then fell off his barstool when it was realized he had a knife, so as he was down they were trying to get the knife away which took that many guys to do it!! That's Jr's hand you can see on the guy's face! ( dad had him by the wrist with the knife and he wouldn't let go still so Jr was punching him. yikes!! Then the cops came :) Quite the interesting end to the night!

So I read this account and I start beating myself up for not at least slapping the guy who touched me inappropriately. Then the Holy Spirit came and comforted me in a way I don't even think I can really relay to you. He showed me how he guarded my lips and emotions from reacting to a dangerous man--how this man could have really hurt me or my elderly father. YET God dealt with this creep when strong men were around and he got what was coming to him! THEN God showed me other times when I have beat myself up for not defending myself, for not getting in people's faces over some injustice and how this was HIS doing, how He eventually brought justice into the situation. Am I saying defending oneself is wrong? Absolutely not! I have stood up to some very intimidating people and have been told I'm pretty scary when I want to be. Yet God is our defender, a very present help in trouble!

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Deborah wrote:

So I read this account and I start beating myself up for not at least slapping the guy who touched me inappropriately. Then the Holy Spirit came and comforted me in a way I don't even think I can really relay to you. He showed me how he guarded my lips and emotions from reacting to a dangerous man--how this man could have really hurt me or my elderly father. YET God dealt with this creep when strong men were around and he got what was coming to him! THEN God showed me other times when I have beat myself up for not defending myself, for not getting in people's faces over some injustice and how this was HIS doing, how He eventually brought justice into the situation. Am I saying defending oneself is wrong? Absolutely not! I have stood up to some very intimidating people and have been told I'm pretty scary when I want to be. Yet God is our defender, a very present help in trouble!
This is my favorite part!!!!

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I just found out this guy did manage to cut someone's hand before he got wrestled down.

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Thank the Lord for His protection upon you, His sweet child!!!

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Yes, God alone deserves the praise for this situation. I was really upset for awhile today when I heard this guy had had a knife.

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Praise God! God is so good! He defended you and comforted you at the same time! I know he has done this for me on several occasions. All this time he was protecting me. Sometimes I just get so amazed by what he has done and is doing in our lives. He is soooooooo goooooood!

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This reminds me a little of 1 Samuel 25 where Abigail bided her time to confront her drunk fool husband and God took vengeance.

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Wow, Deb!!! I'm always wondering about all the stupid stuff I do/done that I beat myself up for hee hee
I'm amazed at how God showed you what He did wow

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The supper club I mentioned in this post just burned to the ground, I heard! Nobody knows the reason for the fire. I also heard tonight this area where the dance was has 44 registered sex offenders! That's a lot for a town that doesn't even have 7,ooo people!

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Wow!!! Where will all the sex offenders go to molest people now? Obviously they surrounded the club area for a reason.

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Daisy wrote:
Deborah wrote:

So I read this account and I start beating myself up for not at least slapping the guy who touched me inappropriately. Then the Holy Spirit came and comforted me in a way I don't even think I can really relay to you. He showed me how he guarded my lips and emotions from reacting to a dangerous man--how this man could have really hurt me or my elderly father. YET God dealt with this creep when strong men were around and he got what was coming to him! THEN God showed me other times when I have beat myself up for not defending myself, for not getting in people's faces over some injustice and how this was HIS doing, how He eventually brought justice into the situation. Am I saying defending oneself is wrong? Absolutely not! I have stood up to some very intimidating people and have been told I'm pretty scary when I want to be. Yet God is our defender, a very present help in trouble!
This is my favorite part!!!!
I was just reading Ezekiel 3 :26 this morning and I thought of my own story here.
"I will make your tongue cling to the roof of your mouth, so that you shall be mute and not be one to rebuke them, for they are a rebellious house."

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Wow!!! Deborah~What a close call...thank God He helped you hold your tongue! What a wonderful God we serve!!

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