Boscoe Jenkins 0 Posted April 15, 2012 I've probably asked this question before, How do u know when you've truly forgiven someone, & how do you forgive yourself. i've made alot of milettstakes in my past & i'm having difficult time letting those feelings go. I know that God will forgive me for my sins but when it comes to forgiving myself idk... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cholette 0 Posted April 16, 2012 You will know it when what you've done or what the other person has done, doesn't bother you anymore. You will know when you understand that there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. God has forgiven you AND the other person. Why hold them hostage AND yourself when God doesn't?It takes lots of prayer and reading God's Word to get to this place. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boscoe Jenkins 0 Posted April 16, 2012 i was also wondering, alot of times I look at the situation to see if there was anything that i had done to make a person react the way they do to me & I think i do that to see if there's any forgiveness that needs to happen. Idk if that's practical or not. & how does one handle being selfish, prideful, & has issues with lying. i cant seem to be open & honest with the people that are the closest to me. My friends & dont feel like I can just relax & be myself around them. they've always protected me, guided me through all kinds of thing's & i dont know how to treat them. & with the way thing's are going in this world I seriously have to get it together & i dont have the strength to do that. i know we dont know the day nor the hour that Christ will return but i can feel in my spirit that he fis getting ready reclaim what it his. i dont want to miss out on eternal life because of my pride & selfishness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dove-Solutions 0 Posted April 17, 2012 Boscoe Jenkins,The very fact that you are concerned about these things is good. Jesus tells us that we are forgiven.....we will not be forgiven. He has already done it. Even though he knows we will sin again. We all sin. No one is free from the flesh. Believing in Jesus does not free us from making the error but frees us in knowing that even when we make the error we are forgiven. This is where the grace comes into play. We make errors everyday...we sin. That is a reality of living here on the earth. This is the reason we should not judge. I am guilty of sin everyday. One cross word to a loved one....not telling a whole truth.....that sort of thing for example. We all fail in our ability to live a sin free life. It says in the word there is not one worthy, no not one. Jesus is worthy and through his shed blood on Calvary we are forgiven. The Lord told me many years ago, I did not die for just your sins but for the sins of all.....for every sin ever committed and for all those yet to be committed until I return. There is a huge span of time there and a multitude of sin. No wonder when he sweat, it was blood. Let say for example I sinned only 1 time per day for the last 55 years. That would be 19, 360 sins. Now multiply that times every single human being on the planet from the beginning of time until Jesus return. That is a lot of sin. That includes people not yet born. It is no wonder his act of forgiveness toward us is so important. When you stand before God Almighty on judgement day Jesus will be standing in front of you. He will be your covering for any sin you may have committed because He gave his life for you and all believers. We stand righteous before God through Jesus Christ. Our Savior and Redeemer. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16Do not let the enemy lie to you. You are forgiven, justified, sanctified, redeemed, covered by the blood of the Lamb. Your home awaits you in paradise. Do your best everyday but do so knowing that if you make a mistake, you pick yourself back up and continue on. That is what separates us from others.....confidence knowing that we are free from guilt and shame. Therefore there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ..... Romans 8:1. I pray this has helped. Love in Jesus,Connie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dove-Solutions 0 Posted April 18, 2012 to Love in Jesus,Connie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites