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Boscoe Jenkins

im going back to church...now what do i do???

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I recently started going back to church i am not suree about whayt exactly im looking for but i feel as long as its with god i cant go wrong. So far, i feel good about my choice. I went this morning & for a min i was strongly tempted to stay in bed. But god reminded me that its when i dont feel like doing something is when i need to do it the most. I feel strong when i go to church & im reciving comfirmation in alot of stuff. Im a little lost because im not sure what part of my life i should begin working on. I try to pray but my words get jumbled up & i honestly dont know how to just take one thing on at a time. But how cn i do that of i dont know exactly what i should start with? Whay should i do??

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Stay calm. Know that God knows your needs, wants and what you have to work on. He will tell you what you need to work on, but until then, work on the most important thing in your life, your relationship with God. Even if you may be God's best friend, there is always room for improvement. In fact that is the first thing you need to work on, in my opinion.

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why not jus soak and receive, wer human beings not doings ,id jus rest awhile till u find ur feet ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, D

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