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I'm so fed up of snow!!!

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It started snowing the day before I went on holiday (21st Dec) and it is still snowing now!!!

It hasnt thawed out at all, there are so many layers of compacted snow its horrible Sad

Normally I love the snow, but it is normally gone in a few days, we're not used to this in the U.K. lol....pushing a pushchair through the snow is a nightmare!
I feel so claustrophobic not being able to go out anywhere

Hopefully the weather people have got it right now and the worst is over and it will start to melt now Sad

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omg i know exactly how you feel hun Sad It was lovely to see the snow but now im sick of it lmao its just all slush here now

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it snowed really heavily here all night last night, and has been on and off most of the day (only lightly though thank goodness) we still have a couple of inches of snow on the ground here Sad

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Last year, we had almost 35 centimeters of snow in one day! More like one day where you are awake! not counting the time you're sleeping.

No snow for now Sad

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its the total opposite here in the Philippines.... its super hot!!!

it will take 10 minutes to get a sun burn!!!!

8) Mad 8) Mad 8)

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the weather in cali is being a dork. LOL never had snow.. never will. but then who knows.. it was 80degrees here when it was like 70the other day.

mother nature sure is having mood swings lol xD

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Whats really weird is it seems that we've traded weather cycles Lea Smile Normally we have that much snow here during the winter and all we've had is rain except maybe 4 days total with snow fall and those days aren't together either.

I know what you mean about pushing a stroller threw the snow it's just impossible. You can add an hour of just struggling to your time to get to places. But even with kids walking it takes about 5 times longer than normal. It makes it really hard to get places with Children if you are walking. Store up on a lot of stuff for meals then enjoy being snowed in for a couple days. Your kids can't go to school in that weather can they?

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myladyyawo wrote:
Whats really weird is it seems that we've traded weather cycles Lea Smile Normally we have that much snow here during the winter and all we've had is rain except maybe 4 days total with snow fall and those days aren't together either.

I know what you mean about pushing a stroller threw the snow it's just impossible. You can add an hour of just struggling to your time to get to places. But even with kids walking it takes about 5 times longer than normal. It makes it really hard to get places with Children if you are walking. Store up on a lot of stuff for meals then enjoy being snowed in for a couple days. Your kids can't go to school in that weather can they?

Global warming. Must be global warming.

I miss our snow...

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myladyyawo wrote:
me too mangoberri!!! me too!! :girl_cray2:

There was barely any snow this winter... less than 1cm, don't even need to shovel Sad

Must be my dad's fault, he bought snow blower, and snow tires.

we only bought one cause we have a long steep driveway, a big backyard and frontyard, and sidewalk to shovel.

ARGH..I'll gladly trade for snow...I hate the rain.

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the kids were off school for a few days last week and my son was off the beggining of this week, but they are back in school now...even though I think the snow is worse now than it was when they were closed!

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i'm sorry you are not liking the snow too much right now but i really wish we had some here. my hubby and i bought season passes for a local ski resort and it's been so hot that we've cancelled 3 times now. ugg!

it's hard to snowboard on dirt. hee hee.

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Its hard to believe that I am only 120 miles away from Lea but have no snow now...we did have, but it rained all day on Sunday and washed it all away and we've had no more since. Its frosty this morning but dry thank goodness. I really HATE snow ...and would swap it for year round sunshine anyday Laughing

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kasijab wrote:
Its hard to believe that I am only 120 miles away from Lea but have no snow now...we did have, but it rained all day on Sunday and washed it all away and we've had no more since. Its frosty this morning but dry thank goodness. I really HATE snow ...and would swap it for year round sunshine anyday Laughing

wow! real weather!! rain and snow! hee hee.

i really can't complain about the sunshine but a little snow just in the mountains would be nice too.

i can see how it would be a drag if i was stuck in snow or rain all the time. so sorry for you guys..

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luckily my son doesnt start school til 10am (because of the snow) so he will take to Jadine to school for me.
Saves having to push the pushchair through fresh snow Sad

I am such a hot weather person....I love the sun, especially as it makes my skin better (I have psoriasis) I should deffinately live in a hotter country lol xx

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lea75 wrote:
luckily my son doesnt start school til 10am (because of the snow) so he will take to Jadine to school for me.
Saves having to push the pushchair through fresh snow Sad

I am such a hot weather person....I love the sun, especially as it makes my skin better (I have psoriasis) I should deffinately live in a hotter country lol xx

hee hee. come move to southern california. i'll even babysit for you for free! Laughing

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now that is soooooooooooo tempting lol

I used to love visiting my parents when they lived in the middle east....now that weather I loved Laughing

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I generally love the snow. But, it's just too much. I haven't seen anything but white for the last two weeks. I can't wait for spring. congratulations

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As much as I liked snow as a kid...now that I'm an adult and have to actually be the one to deal with it...oh yeah, I could do without this whole mess-pretty or not.

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I want snow here and there isn't any. THE WEATHER IS CRAZY!!!!!!!!! There is always snow here on January and last week was little snow, but now no snow from the end of December. And it was raining at the begining of January.

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