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gracee (lionhgirl)

A man in jail

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I don't have a church home at the moment, and I was wondering if I could share this prayer request with you all.

There's man in jail at the moment, he's done some awful things. God has put him on my heart, and given me dreams about him and shown me that he's really afraid of going to hell. I'd really appreciate your prayers as well!!

God I pray for this man. You know who he is and the things he has done. He also knows the terrible things he has done. Thankyou Jesus that no man is too far gone, no man is out of your reach. We pray for a revelation of who you are and of your presence with him there in that cell, that he would know you Jesus face to face. Thankyou for that revelation of the cross that saves! Even Paul was a murderer and you called him to do your work. And Jesus, on the cross you saved a criminal from an eternity in hell. We stand on these testimonies for this man, that he can still have a relationship with you and that there is hope for him still! Lead him to repentance, lead him to your forgiveness. We know he is your son, and that he is so so loved, and we join with your intercession for him. You are crying out for his heart, God give him dreams of who you are and how loving you are. May your love become so real to him.

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