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♪ The FEBRUARY chat - part 6 ♪

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Sorry Im back had someone on the the phone

I go take a look Kijo

yummy your making me hungry BG

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Hey boogs are you familiar with the book "the hungry caterpillar??"

if not, you should look it up, and you can tell sort of the inspiration I was having when you first sent me the poster.

coincidentally.... he has another book out called "the Grouchy ladybug" as well. : D

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Just looked it up congratulations I have see that book before congratulations

The one you pm'ed me is so cute I wanna keep him congratulations

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Would you prefer something like that then? i don't mind reworking it. Like I said i was sticking closer to the original than anything else.

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Fettucini, yes, I think that's the same!!

I'm back for a bit congratulations

Say, you gots internet back at home?

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No I am working allllll day.

yes its back on, I was online yesterday while I was at home wiht you silly bean!!! ; D

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does the happy dance.. today and tomorrow and I am done working till next January!!!

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I think you were avoiding me congratulations
(just kidding)
How've you been ?

Kijo, all day? REALLY??
That's nuts!
Oh my... I didn't even think you were home at that time, so sorry!! But yay for the internet at home

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avoiding you.... never!
I won't be able to get to the Post office until Thursday :-(. But I'll let you know when to start watching your mail

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Hi Frannie

Kijo Im leaving it up to you, just spoken to the head of the pre-school and they think a change would be great congratulations

Cute and welcoming would be fantastic and sorry I feel like ive waisted your time and effort Sad Im leaving it totally in your talented hands now

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ok sorry.. but have to go and get ready. Will pop back in after work, but will miss most of the Europeans by then.....

till next time

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Oi, you havent wasted any of my time sweets, I was just checking in and seeing what the word was, don't want to get all the way done before showing, and then you be like.... Oh, this isn't what I wanted......
I'll show you more stuff as i get it.
and I'll save all the graphics separate as well so you guys can make different layouts and posters in the future as well.

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inu-kijo wrote:
Oi, you havent wasted any of my time sweets, I was just checking in and seeing what the word was, don't want to get all the way done before showing, and then you be like.... Oh, this isn't what I wanted......
I'll show you more stuff as i get it.
and I'll save all the graphics separate as well so you guys can make different layouts and posters in the future as well.

Kijo you are an absolute Diamond thank you so very very much x

I have to get to the shops or there will be no dinner tonight Sad

See you all in a littlewhile

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later boogs, I prolly wont be online when you get back, i think I will be sleeping soon, my eyes hurt. : C

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Yeah she did!
I hope she doesn't mind me telling, but she sent me a PM a couple of days ago for my mailing address (which at first I didn't know she meant my home address) and now I'm really wondering why she needed that congratulations

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Laughing i was jsut laughing at the "curious" comment cause you said you didnt realize you said it often. : D

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Just a quick hello

no-one seems to be around so I hope you all find and safe and warm

will try to chatch you guys later

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Hi wish Im good thanks

How are you?

Sorry will be in a out for a bit sorting the kids dinner

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bogie wrote:
Hi wish Im good thanks

How are you?

Sorry will be in a out for a bit sorting the kids dinner

Not too bad, Training today - interesting yet boring at the same time Laughing

Will be in n out also. See you in a little while then

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I know them sort of training days, you need to know it but get a numb bum at the same time congratulations

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Yeah and I don't having the padding on my bum that I used to :-)
How was your day ...whatcha cooking ?

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Been busy catching up on the housework, gave up last week with the kids home for 1/2 term Laughing

Toad in the hole tonight congratulations

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Ooh Yum Toad :-)

I'm gonna have a fat free spaghetti carbonara!

Not very interesting, but ...need to "save myself" for Prague this weekend.

OH's flight was cancelled from Paris today so he having to come on Eurostar to London, then London to Southampton (cos that's where the car is Laughing )
SO he won't be home until about 1am...but at least he will be home !

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Oh no what a nightmare for him Sad

Wise move spoil yourself in Prague congratulations

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Thats Ok im very in and out anyway the kids are driving me nuts

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Grrr ps just booted me and Now all im getting is the Mayor Sad

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oohh me too...and my dinner is ready, so i have to go for a bit...back later.

Enjoy your toad and good luck with the Mayor :-)

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Dropped by to say hello. Smile

Hope everyone is OK. Will try to catch you all soon.

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Hi Armell!!

I see you are having issues with your siggy ...... the very last thing in the line should be a ] with no quotes before it or after ....

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I love Precious' siggy! You are all so creative! I really do need to get one for Sasha.

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Hi Suzanne!! Sorry I had to leave for a bit ..... MIL was on the phone, and sometimes her conversations are a bit .... dis-jointed ... If I am not paying 100% attention, I get confused .....

TYVM for the compliments .. I would be happy to make Sasha one if you would like ...

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i was so worried that you would be mad at me for losing it , i wasworried about coming here lol but you saved the day , thank you hun xoxo

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oh ..... ARmell ..... I could never get mad at you!! I love you too much ..

How is the weather?? I see it snowing on TV while watching the Olympics??

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TanyaRC wrote:
Hi Suzanne!! Sorry I had to leave for a bit ..... MIL was on the phone, and sometimes her conversations are a bit .... dis-jointed ... If I am not paying 100% attention, I get confused .....

TYVM for the compliments .. I would be happy to make Sasha one if you would like ...

I may take you up on the offer sometime. Sorry I disappeared. All sorts of things started to happen around here - nothing major, just distracting. And now it's time to eat, so I'm gone for awhile. May try to pop in again later on.

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Suzanne ..... I am here a lot .... with both of us in the US, we should see each other fairly often ..

Just let me know ..... Have a good meal!!

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