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♥FEBRUARY CHAT Part 7!!!!♥

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They are out already the blog says they are in the boxes congratulations

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Hi everyone!

Pet Society have just been updated with new mystery items!

In addition to the new items, as I mentioned some weeks ago when an item goes in another goes out - and that we would not always warn in advance when that happens. Since it has been an awkward time since then with Valentine Specific items going in, we haven´t done this for a while. However, now we are back on track, so here are the items that have been removed this week and these can no longer be found in the MBs:

BMB: Musketeer Hat
GMG: Wood Framed Artworks, Panda Mask

There is also a fix in place for the lost petlings, so now your petling will be found no matter which if your friend clicks on the feed!

You will also notice that the Magnificent Mystery Box have not changed, we have extended it for another week! (however, the merchandicing in the shop will not update before on monday!)

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armellproctor wrote:
Bee wrote:
hello bogie and armell


great, did you take the place that you told us about , the one withe the Girl??

yes that's the one - we met up last night and got on really well.

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Sorry got sidetracked with the news, pompey has gone into administration Sad

Im gonna have one very peeeved OH when he comes home

See you soon Armell

Bee so whens the date congratulations

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Okies I am back... running a bit late... goose walking isnt very quick, ya know?

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Going to be very in and out for a bit need to get some things done

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NO Gill, huh??

May be she will show.

Was jsut checking out the new items.
seems pretty neat
a Make your own bakery, and even a menu you can put stickers on to make! Very cute.
Plus (I am sure its a CC item) you can make your whole room into an aquarium, with a bubble floor and everything!

I am sure Yarden and Paul M will love that yellow submarine as well.

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bogie wrote:
Bee Great news, Whens the date and which one did you choose?

it's the one in our village -about 5 minutes walk from where I live now. Sharing with 1 girl - had great chat with her last night.

Moving weekend 13/14 March.
Yes I'm over the moon.

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sorry guys - gotta sigh off - people are going crazy today (normally friday is quiet and lazy).

I wanted to share the good news with you.
If I don't get the chance to come back here then HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND all of you

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Bee, I just read back a bit, I am so glad that you found a place!! TTYS ....

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Hey Tanya check out Boo's Hidenii costume on the last page, its SUPER cute!

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I had to sleep sometime ..... My car is in the shop so I had to come to work an hour early .... well, I guess I didn't have to .... with OH and I thought I would see who was here..

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Oh, so sleeping is more important than ME????


have decided to try and get an early Dr's appointment either this weekend or when i get back from you. I can't do this anymore.
: C

Luckily my friend is getting her pain pills today, and she is giving me some to get by until then, so I am hoping that helps.

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well, I know that I am in school today, so not working traffic, but they do like it if I stay awake in class ...congratulations

Do you need to stay there and go to the DR.. We talked about this a bit before and decided that your health was important .... Will you enjoy your visit not feeling well??

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I don't think I am THAT bad off. just the last two days have been really rough. It feel slike my bones are breaking everytime I move, and.... its hard to explain... but my feet feel like big Oranges.

and I cut into our last visit last time because of Dr.s! so no, I am okay.

I just don't plan on going rock climbing, running races, or having a stair marathon with you.

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Thanks, I thought they were quite adorable.

i can make you a different colour one if you would like??

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oh man .... there go all my plans .... no rock climbing huh ...??

he he he ....

seriously .. your health is the most important issue ... If you need to stay there and go to the DR, I understand .. I am not going anywhere .. I want you to enjoy your visit .....

on that note, it is about time for me to go to work.. I may check back in today if I get a long break .... Just never know with these classes are going to go ...


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I doubt I will be here.

going home and passing out.

later have fun in school deary!!!


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I'm all Aloooooooooooooooneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....

ther is no one heeeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee..

(continues to howl like a mad crazy dog.)

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They say better late than never, not been on line all day ... it's friday the 26th, and it's felt like two Friday the 13ths Sad

Anyway am here now if any CeeGeeans are lurking around.

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Oh and just to demonstrate how rubbish my day was, I ONLY JUST realised I didn't have my new contact lenses in!!!

I thought the vision for the TV was pretty rubbish - but at least I know now that there wasn't a malfunction

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Oh Gill
Didn't think of 26 as 13+13!!
Everything's fine here, didn't go to that pregnant friend (her meeting is still going on at the moment and I didn't feel so good actually). And the weather is AWFUL!

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~ causing both of us mayor headaches Laughing
he's explaining me something from statistics, but I need a lot of examples and he can't just shake them out of his sleeve

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missed you all Sad was only popping in to say goodnight and sorry not about, been a manic afternoon/evening.

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Me too, have been up more hours than should be allowed for one day, and still done nothing useful Gaaaaah!

Just to let everyone know, you may not see me over this weekend -
but you wont be out of sight, out of mind

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Was on the forum and thought I'd stop by. No one here. Sad Guess I'll go see what my Boo is up to then do some r/l work. Smile Have a good weekend. Hugs.

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armellproctor wrote:
all quiet here boo who xox

boosmommy wrote:
Was on the forum and thought I'd stop by. No one here. Sad Guess I'll go see what my Boo is up to then do some r/l work. Smile Have a good weekend. Hugs.

Armell ...... it was funny that you said Boo who .... and Boo showed up!!

Sorry that I missed you both, but I fell asleep and took a nap ...

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Hi Sweetie ...... I took a nap when I cam home, and now I am not sleepy ...... ughhhhh...

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Yaaaaaaa ....... Kijo is here ..... I was lonely by myself .... I am doing my visits .... looking for a bumble bee ....

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Buuuuumble beeeee!!!

; D


I got a lil tipsy fore work.. now the sweet n sour mix is churning my belly all funny! ; C

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I am sorry that you have a tummy ache, but you should be careful drinking before work .... Don't want anyone saying that youcame to work drunk ..,.,

three down, I think, and three to go .....

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not drunk.
1.5 margaritas.... tipsy for me now.
I cant hold my liquor no more.
and need to stop drinking margaritas..... they keep making me sick

whoot for the 3's!
Sides i stopped drinking at like 7.

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do you have any antacid type stuff?? that would help ..

how are you feeling today??

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