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Im Obsessed With Another Game lol

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Ok, i started playing another game on FB called My Tribe, where you look after your own tribe and help them to grow and build houses and other structures. Its such a great game, and when i found out you could get it for the pc i went and got it, it only cost £4!! So ive been playing on it every chance i get lol
(Dont worry im still obsessed with PS lol)
Just wondering has anyone else tried the game?? or tried Virtual Villagers for the PC??

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No I don't think I've even heard about it before Smile Whats the difference from the facebook game and the store bought one?

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there isnt a whole lot of difference, but i can play the store bought one at any time without the net lol

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thats probably the only downfall of the store bought version, you dont have neighbours like the FB version Sad

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do you still play towner, I added you and you were my only friend but if I didn't check it regularly all my buildings needed to be demolished :S Yikes

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wow is board ever slow today! I've never had two yes or no games run without a few others jumping in Step you should join hun congratulations

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Ive played virtual villagers...I liked that one...will have to look into it again congratulations

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its ace isnt it hun!? have you tried the second one?? Virtual Villagers and the Lost children?? Smile if you want i can send you the game in the post, ive got them both Smile

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I am now waiting for my farm to grow so I can harvest it lol

you are gonna be in so much trouble if I get addicted to another game lol

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lol it aint me fault lol I dont even know how i came across it myself lol there is even a game called Virtual Families, im thinking of getting that one too lol

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i had virtual villagers and My tribe. I was obsessed with those games. Than my Laptop crashed and lost every memory. There is Virtual famillies from the creators of Virtual villagers. I play it when I have time. And that is only at weekends.

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Uh oh. congratulations I am trying to limit how many games I get into playing. It's ridiculous how much time I put into pixels. congratulations

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i love virtual villagers!!!!!!! i played 2 versions of it one the normal one and one where there are kids stuck on the island

i only had a free trial though so i only got to play the game for a couple of days which was sad Sad

***** five star rating from me Smile

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only addicted with pet. as i dont have any time to play other games which i have like farmville, petville, resto city and farm town.

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People who are obssesed with: My tribe, Virtual villagers and Virtual families. Post saying you are obssesed.
anyone was Isola I am travelling to it.

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Virtual Villagers was one of my favs. I got impatient waiting for my villagers to build etc etc. But this My Tribe is certainly a cool game because you have neighbours Smile

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Which Virtual Villagers game you have? 1, 2 or 3? I am playing the first part currently.

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ive got 1 and 2, im playing on 2 at the moment Smile i will get 3 after i have completed the other one Smile

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Tree of life 12 March was finished. I just read it on FB. I hope I am lucky to find it in Canada in a year IF I visit.

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It is about a tree dying. And life in Isola is vanishing, and you have to make the tree alive.

I am obssese with another game: Ancient quest of Saqqarah.

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Just saw that they are making Virtual Villagers 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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