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Oh no! Hiccups! x

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Ohh no.... I havee a casee of 'hic' the hiccups! It's just come on Teehheee.... They are funny 'hehehe..
Does anybody 'hic' have a way of getting rid of 'hic' them?? x Thankss! x

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lemons, suck on a lemon Smile
use sore throat spray Smile
drink water,but be careful that it doesn't go down your airway if you hiccup

did you know that if you hiccup too long it can actually harm you

scary but true..........throat spray works the best,hold your breath too

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bunnyfuzzyness wrote:
lemons, suck on a lemon Smile
use sore throat spray Smile
drink water,but be careful that it doesn't go down your airway if you hiccup

did you know that if you hiccup too long it can actually harm you

scary but true..........throat spray works the best,hold your breath too

Thanks alot! x And there still running ahahaha.....x

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just hold your nose and drink some water, or lie upside down lol
or hold your breathe lol
old remedies but they work

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I read that eating a teaspoon of sugar gets rid of them. And it seems to work for me! I usually forget that I had them til sometime later when I suddenly realize I quit.

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Thanks Lisa! x
Sorry i'm quite rubbish at all this... What topic goes where and what not hehe!!
Thanks so much for everything! x

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MeganBoutique98 wrote:
Ohh no.... I havee a casee of 'hic' the hiccups! It's just come on Teehheee.... They are funny 'hehehe..
Does anybody 'hic' have a way of getting rid of 'hic' them?? x Thankss! x

My grandad had his own way of getting rid of hiccups....
Everytime we went down and started hiccuping...he would go into the kitchen...Boil the kettle....Put some in a cup and cool it down by putting alittle bit of cold water in it......So it was as he used to call it 'Luke warm water'...and he used to make me gargle it and then swallow it.

I have to tell you tho...it worked 100%.

I miss him and his random home thought remedies so much...R.I.P grandad XXX

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Awwww sweetie veryy sorry about your loss! But thanks for the remidies! Now i have just about a million ways to get rid of hic ups hehehe! x

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MeganBoutique98 wrote:
Awwww sweetie veryy sorry about your loss! But thanks for the remidies! Now i have just about a million ways to get rid of hic ups hehehe! x

...You should never have hiccups ever again

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xPink.Pixel.Princessx wrote:
MeganBoutique98 wrote:
Awwww sweetie veryy sorry about your loss! But thanks for the remidies! Now i have just about a million ways to get rid of hic ups hehehe! x

...You should never have hiccups ever again

That's right ahahahaa! x

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